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Ugh. It was my birthday on the 27th! : )

Lance's perspective.*

I sat criss-crossed against the headboard staring at Keith. He was of course, across from me on the end of the bed criss-crossed as well.
"Daddy, huh?"
"Shut up." I growled, throwing a pillow at him which causing him to laugh. "Ugh I hate this." I said, sliding down into the bed more. Keith crawled over and curled up next to me.
"Thinking about it now, they were going to find out eventually." I just hummed in response, I look over to see Keith already asleep, snoring softly. Light suddenly erupted the room and I squinted to the source. Our bedroom door was open and I saw the silhouette of Shiro.
"Keith's already asleep?" Shiro asks, closing the door behind him and tugs off his shirt.
"Yeah." I replied quietly, rubbing Keith's cheek softly. Shiro took off his shirt and pants before crawling into bed. I rested my head of his shoulder while he read a book that he grabbed from the nightstand.
"To kill a mockingbird? Really?" I heard Shiro chuckle softly and hummed shortly afterwards.
"It's a good book."
"I was forced to read it in school." Shiro set the book down on his lap and wrapped an arm around me.
"Tell me about your family." I blinked slowly and chewed my lip.
"Well there's my mom, my brother Marco and my brother Louis, my sister Veronica, and my grandma..," I chewed the inside of my cheek more. "I miss them so much..."
"I'd love to meet them, Lance. Maybe one time we can all go to Cuba and visit them." I felt Shiro's arm around me squeeze me softly. Shortly after that he fell asleep and so did I.

*time skip to day*

I woke up to an empty bed and almost empty room. I blinked a few times before processing. I got out of bed and checked the closet to see it was hallways empty. "What the cheese..." I left the room and saw everyone rushing downstairs with suitcases. I walked downstairs and everyone stopped and looked at me.
"Oh! Lance!" Hunk said, nervously. "Uh, you're up!" I rubbed my eyes.
"You guys weren't planning on leaving me we're you?" I asked softly before dropping my hands down to my sides.
"Of course not Lance, we're all going on a trip. You included." Shiro said, smiling.
"Yeah, you're going to love it." Keith said, crossing his arms and smirking.
"Not as much as I love you." I said, shooting finger guns. Everyone groaned and Pidge spoke up. "That's why you're riding with Keith in his lame 2 seater rusty truck." She pushed up her glasses. "Now go, and Keith don't give it away." Keith just scoffs and grabs two suitcases. I walked to the door and opened it for him. We left the house and Keith threw the suitcases in the box before getting in the truck. I got in shortly after him and he started the truck.
"What can I do to make you tell me where we're going."
"You could stay quiet the whole ride."
"You know I can't do that!" Keith hummed as we drove out of our lot.
"Exactly why I picked it, sweetheart." I smiled and took his hand off the steering wheel, kissing it. I looked out the window and interlocked our fingers, rubbing my thumb along his hand.

Kind of short,, I'm sorry. So much drama is going on it's bleh :( if there's grammar mistakes please let me know I didn't reread it today, apologies!

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