Chapter 7

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Freddy POV

I was overwhelmed with the insane amount of happiness. I was so excited to see all of my friends but nervous at the same time. I was nervous about seeing Summer. I haven't been able to focus on much this week which is good because all we've really been doing is preparing for graduation. Ugh graduation. Everyday I woke up knowing I had to tell Summer how I felt before it was too late. Everything was so complicated but this dinner was the only thing that wasn't.

I walked downstairs and saw my Mami preparing her extravagant dinner. See as a Huerta we go above and beyond. The smell of the food made my mouth water and I couldn't wait until it was time to eat. My mom saw me eyeing the delicious food and laughed. (A/N Mrs.Huerta is MH)

MH- Just 3 more hours Freddy and this food is yours

I smiled.

F- This is crazy! I mean we're graduating and this band...

I stopped abruptly and my mom looked at me confused.

I could feel my heart racing.

F- This band... of friends that I have created.

MH- That's the one thing I've always loved about you Freddy. You always choose the right people. These friends are your family.

She was right. No matter what happened we were always there for each other. We had built this bond of trust that could never be broken.

Summer POV

I opened the door to a very comfy Tomika. She had her hair in a messy bun and a few outfits folded on her arm.

T- Thank you so much Summer! And since you are the artist and I am simply the canvas, you may do whatever you need to girl-ify me.

S- Oh Tomiks, always so dramatic. I promise that you'll still be the Tomika I know and love no matter what.

We walked upstairs to my room. I had set up a chair and mirrors in the middle and played some music on my speaker. The heat tools were firing away and I brought out my best jewelry.

Tomika sat in the chair and undid her hair. I began to brush and tease it when I got a text. I dropped the hairbrush and picked up my phone. It was from Asher.

A- Hey Sum see you tonight 😘

I sighed and put down my phone.

T- You okay?

S- It was just a text from my Mom. She left us some potato chips in case we were hungry.

T- Way ahead of you...

Tomika pulled out the bag of chips from under her shirt.

I laughed and for a minute everything that mattered was me and my best friend.

---------- Time Jump----------

I finished curling the last of Tomika's hair and blasted a cloud of hairspray. She looked beautiful.

Tomika POV

I looked into the mirror and pondered a bit. I was Tomika but with a hint of Summer. I liked it.

After what felt like a lifetime of arguing, Sum and I finally agreed on an outfit. I decided to go with a blue-ish dress and my hair looking something like this:

 I decided to go with a blue-ish dress and my hair looking something like this:

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I had to say if was DEFINITELY an upgrade from that hotdog costume

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I had to say if was DEFINITELY an upgrade from that hotdog costume.

I started playing a game on my phone, waiting for Summer to get ready. All of a sudden she walked out of the bathroom in her outfit.

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T- Wow Summer! You look AMAZING!!

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T- Wow Summer! You look AMAZING!!

S- Aww thanks Tomiks, so do you.

T- Well I did have a little help.

I checked my phone and saw that we had an hour till the party started.

T- Hey if you don't mind I was going to help Freddy set up.

S- Oh it's fine. Actually I needed to do a few things so I'll meet you at the party okay?

T- Of course. Until then.

I gave her a hug at the expense of our hair getting messed up.

I ran downstairs and out the door. I hopped on my skateboard and (cautiously of course) rode to Freddy's.

Summer POV

Tomika left to help at Freddy's and so did my last chance to tell the truth. I didn't understand why it was so hard for me to just tell him I wasn't coming! I plopped onto my bed wanting the evening to be over.

What's up guys hope you're enjoying the story so far.. thought I would update a little more so be on the look out for another chapter!!

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