Chapter 1

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Bella's POV

Harry, Lauren, Zayn, Niall, and I were sitting in mine and Harry's living room in the house that we bought as soon as we were sure we were having a baby. It is my dream house located in a suburb just a few minutes away from London. Harry didn't stop looking until he found something that fit my needs. It has four bedrooms upstairs and two downstairs, with a movie theater and finished basement. The Master bedroom is downstairs, but me and Harry are using the biggest upstairs room as ours until the kids get bigger. Two bedrooms upstairs have a joining bathrooms and the other two have singles. They are each equipped with a medium sized walk in closet, which I love. I am in love with this house and can't imagine myself living anywhere else. I imagine taking family pictures on the balcony overlooking the living room and my kids learning how to swim in the in ground pool out back.

Ayde was in the playroom which was separate from the living room the only entrance was an archway. Bree was down for the night and probably wouldnt wake up til early tomorrow morning. It was around 8, and although I planned on Ayden being asleep too he refused. Harry being the mush he was let him stay up and play for a little longer

We were all discussing Zayn and Laurens wedding that was coming up next month on November 18th

"What does your dress look like?" Niall asked taking a sip of his beer.

"I suppose it would be okay if Zayn heard me describe it. It's tight in the torso and flows into a princess-like gown." She described.

"Like Jess's was." I explained so they could understand better. Everyone froze and Niall's head snapped towards me.

"What did you just say?" Niall asked me.

"She was just joking. We wanted to see your reaction. Haha. Good one, babe." Harry butted in trying to save my ass.

Zayn and Lauren. just sat there looking shocked. No one was supposed to tell Niall Jess was married, at least not until he had moved on and found someone else.

"Dont talk bullshit. Who is the husband?" Niall questioned us.

"Niall. You can't do this." I stated.

"It's been way to long. I just have to see her. Where is she?" He rushed out the words ending with a question I wasn't sure how to answer.

"Niall you need to know some things before you do anything stupid that would mess up her life."

"Fine don't tell me. Ill figure it out myself." He grabbed his coat for this brisk October night. He also grabbed his keys and phone before walking out without even saying goodbye.

I sighed before getting up and walking over to the playroom. Ayden walked over to me and held his arms out for me to pick him up. I picked him up and as we were walking up the stairs he rubbed his eyes telling me that he was tired.

"You ready to go to sleep?" I asked him. He nodded and I layed him down in his race car bed. He smiled at me as I pulled the blanket up to his neck. I kissed his forehead and said, "I love you." He replied the same and I saw his eyes slowly close.

I walked back down the hallway and looked over the banister to see our living room empty.

I heard Bree crying and walked into her room to find Harry holding her in his arms and softly singing into her ear. She calmed down after a minute and I smiled walking farther into the room. Harry layed her down and gave her a kiss. I came up next to him and did the same. Harry smiled at me and gave me a kiss, too. We slowly walked out of her room and turned the light off and shut the door.

It was only 8:30, so I cleaned up the playroom and Harry cleaned up the living room. I had to catch up on some laundry, so I did that too.

At 9:30 I was exhausted. Harry was sitting in the living room watching TV, so I joined him. He put his arm around me as I snuggled into his chest.

"Just think. In a months time we will have another Styles to raise." He smiled.

"I just hope I have it early November so it doesn't interfere with the wedding."

"Dont worry about that. The baby will come out when it comes out."

I took his hand to lead him upstairs. He followed and in ten minutes time I was out cold in the nook of Harry.

Monday October 4th

Niall's POV

It was around 4:30 as I pulled up to the house Liam told me was Jess's. It took time, but I finally got it out of him. I wasn't planning on doing anything I just wanted to see her and talk to her. I took a deep breath and slowly got out of the car making my way up to the front door.

I rang the doorbell with my shaky hand and waited for what felt like hours. I took a deep breath as the door knob twisted.

The door opened and there stood Jess who was now blonde? Of course it looked great on her, she could pull anything off.

"Niall? What are you doing here?" She asked just as surprised to see me as I was surprised to see her.

"I don't know. I had to see you." Was all I could think to say.

"Mommy, Are you ready to play?" A little boy came out from behind her tugging on her sweatshirt. I could feel my eyes widen. "You have big eyes." The little boy said giggling. I blushed and returned my eyes to normal size. Jess was still staring at me. "Do you wanna play with me?" The little guy asked.

"Oh no honey he can't." Jess spoke up for me. This was my chance to talk to her and I was not gonna waste it.

"I would love to play with you." I smiled. He cheered and tugged on my arm.

"What's your name?" He asked me as he handed me a few matchbox cars.

"I'm Niall. And you are?

"I'm Brayden." He stated smiling. I immediately stopped. I told Jess that if we ever had a child I would name it Brayden. Is this just a coincidence. I looked over at Jess and she wouldn't even look at me.

"Niall. Can I talk to you?" I nodded and got up making my way towards Jess with Brayden putting up a fight.

She motioned for me to sit down at the island and handed me a cup of tea. She sat down at the seat across from me.

"I like the name Brayden." I said carefully. She gulped and slowly nodded.

"What are you doing here?" She cut right to the chase.

"I had to see you. Why did you not want me to know you were married?" I asked.

" I don't know, but it doesn't matter now. I assume you are settling down too."

"Actually I'm not my last girlfriend broke my heart." I said looking down at my hands.

"Oh when was that?"

"7 years ago, when we were in the Bahamas." Now it was her turn to look down. Before she could respond the door open and shut.

"Jess? Brayden?" I heard a man call out. He rounded the corner and I was shocked to see Jake Kensington standing in front of me. "Niall. How have you been, man."

"Oh, I've just been great." I stood up and shook his hand. He smiled at me before leaning down to give his wife a kiss. I winced at the sight of it, but I guess that's how things were now.

"So what have you been up to?" Jake asked me.

"Nothing much, just writing some music."

"Do you have any plans for dinner?"

Jess's POV

Oh my god. Jake please stop talking. Does he even realize how awkward that would be. I can't even believe Niall came here in the first place and now he's inviting him to have dinner with us.

I couldn't believe my eyes when he was at the door. The name Brayden. I should have never suggested it, but how did he even know where I live. One of the guys probably told him.Ugh.

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