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Jungkook's P.O.V

I woke up with Yoongi's face in front of me. He is smiling and is stretching out his hand to me.

"Jungkook-ah please be well. I will be here stretching my hand for you to reach. Hold on to me and I will be here for you" he said as I held his hand.


I woke up and realize as it was all a dream. I look at the date. Well only a few days of waiting and then I'm already set for operation.

Just then my phone rings. It was Hoseok. I can't face his call thinking that I have a fault in him. But in the end I answered him.

"Hello how are you? I miss you? I have something to tell you"
"Hoseok look, I'm sorry- -"
"Wait, don't be please. I'm fine. Oh well I have something to tell you. Yoongi and I are officially - -"
I cut him "congratulations on you guys. I just rest"

I hung up. OK I feel better now that they are together.
But then an unexpected tightness in my chest occurs causing me to scream. Hoseok I wish you are here.

The maids came running and notice my condition. One of them called my mom while the others drove me to the hospital. I can't breath. I can't breathe.
With that I fainted.


I am so worried. Why did Jungkook hung up so quick? I was just going to tell him that Yoongi and I are officially flying to New York tomorrow to check on him. Is he mad at me ? I try to call him again but he is not answering. I'm feeling really worried now.

Just then my phone rings.
Its Jungkook's mom

"Hello Auntie how is Jungkook? "
Her answer make me immediately hung up and pack my things.
"Jungkook will have an early operation. He fainted a while ago and is now critical. Instead of next week he will have his operation the day after tomorrow"

I called Namjoon who is currently booking our flights. They wanted to join us.

"Namjoon. Book me a flight right now. I need to go to New York right now. Please. Find a flight that will leave this time" I said in a hurry as I hung up.

I gather my stuff and headed to the airport not knowing if Namjoon booked me a flight but I trust him that he will book me a flight. When I arrived he ran to me and handed me my ticket. "You're lucky there is still one left. Now what happend?" he asked.
"Jungkook will have his operation the day after tomorrow. He had an attack just few hours ago. Now I have to go. Thank you so much. Please inform Yoongi about this. Thank you" I said as I ran to the line of passengers.

Jungkook please be alright. Please don't leave me.

Namjoon's P.O.V

I'm really shocked about the news Hoseok just blurted out. I did not expect that to happen. We just stood there dumbfounded while Hoseok disappear.

I know we must tell Yoongi about this stuff. We immediately headed to our dorms and spotted Yoongi packing.

"I Would like to go there first" he said as he check his things.

"Yoongi, Hoseok already left for New York a while ago. The plane to New York left a while ago but we still manage for him to catch up since there are few passengers on board. Jungkook will have his operations the day after tomorrow. He had a sudden attack that's why. Were sorry. We also have no idea" Seokjin immediately said. Knowing Yoongi he wants this kind of stuff to be said immediately.

We saw his reaction and it's a combination of worries, and sort of different emotions but I can see that he is extremely worried.

He sat on his bed as he calms himself. Then his eyes darted to me making me gulp.

"I remember you saying that you have a friend. A CEO of a big company in the South who has a private plane" he said which make me nod.

"Can you call for help? Please I just have to follow Hoseok. Can he make us use his plane?" he said. O great I didn't thought of that.

I grab my cell and dialed his number. I know he is a kind fellow and hope that he could help us.
After few rings he pick up his phone.

"Hello? Namjoon? "
"Yes Suho it's me"
"What's up men?"
"Look we need your help. This is very important "
"Go on. What can I do?"
"We need to go to New
York now. As in now. This is urgent. We thought we could use your plane to go. Don't worry we will pay" I said and heard him chuckle.
"Come to the company's rooftop where helicopters are landed. Hurry."
"Suho thank you so much. You owe me big time."

With that we grab our things, money and phones and make our way to Suho's company.

When we reach the upmost top and saw a helicopter on board. Suho came out and greeted us.

"You're just in time. I'm going to New York today. Hop in" he said as we all enter and sat on the seats.

I hope we will arrive in time. Maybe we will arrive there in the morning and will arrive at the hospital the next day.

Yoongi's P.O.V

I'm still in the state of shock after the news. We are currently on our way to New York.

*time skip*

I woke up on a bed. Wait how did.  .

"You're up. Let me ask you. Are you really eating three times a day? You're so light" Seokjin laugh.

"Yeah if you will see the picture of him carrying you. You two look like a mother carrying her son" Namjoon said making me chuckle.

"Are we in New York?" I eagerly ask.
"Yes. Get ready Hoseok send me the hospital and Jungkook's room. Come on"

After taking a bath I fix myself and went outside then I saw Namjoon on the phone.

"Why do you have my phone?" I asked and he handed me my phone.

"Jungkook is in a grave condition. The doctor said he must do the operation right now before it's too late. Jungkook became more sick and in great danger. The donor will only  come tomorrow..and tomorrow is a late time"

I froze and withoury any warning I ran outside the hotel and headed to the hospital.

I hope I'm not too late to save him.


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