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Lily Evans:
During potions, Slughorn told us to paired up with partners:

*James Potter and Lily Evans

*Frank Longbottom and Alice Prewett

*Peter Pettigrew and Sasha Deraine

*Remus Lupin and Cassie Shacklebott

*Sirius Black and Daniella Johnsson

*Severus Snape and Bellatrix Lestrange

As we got paired up, we started to make the potion. After ten minutes, we are all done and Professor Slughorn goes each table. Remus and Cassie goes first:

"I smelled fur, books, parchment, quills, moon rock cologhne and....Remus's professional jacket scent."

"I smelled daisy perfume, books, my mum's hair, vanilla and....cookies."
Result: Remus smelled Cassie and Cassie smelled Remus! They are both fallen in love with each other!!!!!

Professor Slughorn goes over to me and James's table. I smelled the potion first:
"I smelled Quidditch, brooms, the forest, fur, and.....parchment."

"I smelled books, my mum's rose perfume, strawberry shampoo, and....lilies."
Result: James smelled me while I smelled...him!!!! Oh my Merlin! This can't be true! I'm in love with James Fleamont Potter!!!

Slughorn goes over to Severus and Bellatrix's table:

"I smelled lilies, books, rose perfume, strawberry shampoo and....Potter's clothes."

"I smelled dark perfume, smoke, black books and....parchment."
Result: Severus smelled me!!!! While Bellatrix smelled Severus!!!!! Oh my Merlin!!!!!

Slughorn goes over to Alice and Frank's table:

"I smelled Quidditch, Books, and.....old parchment."

"I smelled daisies, books, perfume and....blueberry pies."

Result:They smelled each other!

The test goes on and on then we leave the classroom.

Until the end + Always=♥ James Potter and Lily Evans♥Where stories live. Discover now