She Ain't Gonna Play No More..

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A/N 1: Original lyrics here, a World War Two era song telling a story about a paratrooper whose parachute failed to deploy during a jump, results in his death:

A/N 2: The video above is also the original lyric.

A/N 3: Vote and comments were appreciated!

He was once an ace pianist, but his mom's death broke his back;

One day he met a girl under a full-bloomed cherry blooms;

His fate begun to change, but she know hers closing in;

"She ain't gonna play no more!"


Glory, glory, what a beautiful way to die,

Glory, glory, what a beautiful way to die,

Glory, glory, what a beautiful way to die,

She ain't gonna play no more!

When they all went to Towa Hall he saw that girl walks in stage;

Her violin was stunning; then she runs to his best mate;

The pianist in the sidelines; he is only "Yuujin A",

And she ain't gonna play no more!


His childhood hell; his late mom made a Human Metronome.

After that day he cannot heard his own piano voice,

But the girl told him to shake it off, he is her accompanist.

And she ain't gonna play no more!


The second round; he felt he sunk into a deep abyss;

Their music goes wayside; but pressed on even in defeat.

A standing ovation; but in sudden, her world goes black;

And she ain't gonna play no more!


The symphony goes on but his best friend's hearts clouding up;

She makes him compete again; but bad mem'ries still haunts him;

He doesn't know his music had touched and changed many.

And she ain't gonna play no more!


He went into a gala; she's not there until her turn.

He comes to terms with his mom; and his happy tears drops in.

But then he saw her in the ward; he afraid of losing her.

And she ain't gonna play no more!


The pianist goes to teach a girl; sister of his rival;

His moment with Kaori, the accompanist always;

One day after that festival, he wants another duet;

But she ain't gonna play no more!


And in that winter second month, she fought for her own life;

In East Japan he played his piece and hope it will reach her;

She joins him but then her light fades; he know that she has gone;

And she ain't gonna play no more!


(inserting Kousei's voice "Sayonara" after he finished playing his piece at the final episode)

(this stanza and chorus in this part were sung slowly, solemnly; about half the speed of the other verses)

He read her final letter; and he know she'd lied to him.

She lived a full life; no regrets; and her last word "I love you".

He was a mess! His friends get in and swear to lift him up.

But she ain't gonna play no more!


(back to normal speed for this stanza and chorus)

He move forward into the stars; his heart all colorful;

His piano admires many; fame and riches are with him.

Then he married his baseball friend but her memory lives on;

'Cause she ain't gonna play no more!


Authors note: Just a practice to put out my feelings after last month watched YLIA until the end. I'm not a soldier nor an American. I only used the song to create a somber but comic atmosphere at the same time.

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