Chapter 2

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"Hey honey" she answered her phone.

"Hey. I need to tell you something..." I started.

"O.K what is it?" she asked sounding worried.

"Well, Callie is back. She showed up at our house today wanting to come in, now she wants to see Ash and I don't know if I trust her completely. What do I do?" I asked fairly quickly.

"What a minute, you mean your mom, Callie!?" her baffled reply came.

"Yes." I simply told her.

"I say don't let her see Ash. She left you and caused a dramatic time period. I just don't want you to get hurt even more." This is why Spring was my best friend; she knew exactly what I needed from her.

"She knows." I said, starting to regret what I had told Callie. "I told her about Dad and why Ash is in the hospital. She seems actually sorry for what she did. She is in the living room right now, do you think that you could come over and be my shoulder to lean on?" I asked sweetly.

"Oh my gosh! You didn't even have to ask! I will be there in promptly two point two seconds." Then she hung up. Knowing that she was coming, and was going to help me, gave me the courage to go back to the living room to talk to Callie.

When I got back to the couch she was looking through an old photo album. I didn't want her to know that I was there so I scurried to the kitchen that was connected to the living room. While I was watching her I noticed tears running down her cheeks and she would periodically run her hand over a picture. She reminded me so much of Ash and I wanted to be glad that she was back. The thing that stopped me was all that she had caused my sister and I to go through.

In the middle of me snooping I heard the front door open and Spring call, "Babe, I'm here."

"In the kitchen." I yelled back. She came to the kitchen and I turned back to watch Callie. She didn't seem to have stopped looking at the pictures to see who was here.

"Has she been looking at those the whole time?" Spring asked. She seemed even more baffled now that she was here and could see Callie.

"I don't know, I came here after I called you and she was doing that. Can you talk to her please, I don't know what to do." I was desperate for her to do something.

"Sure." Spring said as she left the kitchen

I watched as she went up to Callie. When she started to talk I couldn't hear what she was saying, I could only watch what Callie's reaction was. After a little bit Spring started heading back towards me, towards the kitchen.

"How did it go? What did you say?" I asked.

"It went fine, I said that you were really hurt and not sure what to do. I told her that you have been dealing with the loss of both of your parents and almost your little sister and that you were mad at her for not contacting them. She said that she understood what you have been through, and I said that she really didn't because her mom didn't walk out on her causing her dad to kill himself. She doesn't understand the feeling of having your little sibling in the hospital with nothing you could do for them. She didn't say anything after that except that she wanted to talk with you. I came back here to get you and now I am here." Spring explained what happened.

"I don't know if I can talk to her without getting mad at her. I mean I can try but I would like you to be there with me." I was so glad that Spring cared for me the way she did.

"Alright, let's go." And we left the kitchen.

When we got to the couch where Callie was sitting I took a deep breath and Spring gave me a reassuring look. I sat down across from couch in a chair and waited for her to say something.

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