Chapter 6

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When we were home I saw Spring sitting on our porch. I was hoping to get good news but I had a feeling that that wasn't going to happen as she looked like she had really been crying.

"Hey Al. I needed to get away for a little. I had to be so brave for my little sister and now it is all coming back to me that he might be gone forever and that it could have been my fault that he left in the first place and then I looked at her and saw that she was really freaked out. I don't know what to do." She got it all off of her chest at once and then collapsed like it used up all of her energy.

"Wait a minute. Why do you think that your Hunter is your fault? There is no way that you could have caused any of this. If you need to stay with me you can, you know that. I have enough rooms for both you and your sister to come over, you know that. Don't worry about it. Everybody knows our situation and they will help us. I know it." I said, trying to give some confidence to her.

"I just think that if I would have paid more attention to him that he wouldn't have run away if that is what happened. If he even didn't run away, he could have gotten kidnapped and that makes me feel even worse. It is the same thing that could make him run away, I needed to pay more attention to him." The confidence I had tried to give hadn't worked.

"This is in no way you're fault and I want you to know that. You have always paid attention to your brother and you love him, he knows that, doing this couldn't have been because of you." I said. I noticed Callie kind of hanging back and I was glad that she was not butting into our conversation, but I could also tell that she was listening to what we were saying. I looked back at her and motioned for her to come inside for some dinner, with Spring as well.

We went inside and ate in silence. "I guess I should go home and check on my sister." Spring said.

"I think I should go too. I have to get back before they close the front doors at the hotel." Callie said. It was weird to me that Callie said that, I didn't think that they locked the doors of hotels because of the late night people. They both left, leaving me in my thoughts about what to do with everything that has happened these past couple of days.

I went to clean the kitchen with some music on; I needed something to distract my mind for a little bit. As I was cleaning I heard a little scuffling behind me and turned to find, what looked like Hunter, Spring's brother. In my mind I was freaking out, I didn't know what to do, so I walked forward trying not to scare him. He walked back, not wanting to get too close to me, so I stopped, still freaking out. I turned back to cleaning the dishes and putting them away, my mind racing, and heard him again, it sounded like he was walking toward me. But when I looked back again, he wasn't there. I didn't know what to do, with Callie being here and then him going missing from his own house this was really freaking me out. I thought it would be good to call Spring and let her know what happened.

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