Chapter 1 - Landing In Ireland!

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As soon as you landed after your long, exhausting flight, you decided that the smartest option would be to find your luggage to get out of the airport as soon as possible. You got your bags from the luggage carosel and walked out of the airport to catch a taxi, you found one and caught it to your grandparents' house.

Once you arrived, you walked up to the gate leading to the house your grandparents owned. You took the time to survey your surroundings, the grass around your grandmother's (insert random flower) garden was long and looked like it hadn't been mowed in a few months. You saw the house and noticed that there was a window open. You then entered the gate and walked down the path leading to the front door, hoping you don't get attacked by anything in the tall grass (if you get the reference you're the best). You knocked on the door which was answered by your grandfather.

"(Y/N)! Is that really you? Look how big you've grown!" Your grandfather exclaimed.

"Grandpa! How long has it been since I last saw you? 5-6 years?" You cheerfully replied back, happy to see your grandfather.

"Yes, something like that. Come on in dear, your grandma has been waiting for you!" Your grandpa says to you. You walked into your new home and your grandpa shuts the door behind you. You walk into your grandparents' living room to see your grandma knitting in her chair.

"Grandma!" You stated. Your grandma turned towards you.

"Oh (Y/N)! You're finally here!" Your grandma said with relief. "We've been waiting all day for you to arrive!"

"Well I'm here now grandma!" You said. "I'm going to go put my things upstairs, okay?"

"That's quite alright dear, 3rd door on the left is your room." Your grandma tells you and you leave to go put your things upstairs. You walk into your room to find that it was just how it was last time you were here on holiday with your family in Ireland. You were putting your clothes in your drawers when you hear a loud voice go "TOP OF THE MORNIN' TO YA LADDIES!" Which made you jump.

You walk downstairs as you hear your grandpa say to your grandma, "Well, he's at it again."

Your grandma replies with, "I know, but do you think that he'd get along well with (Y/N)? They are around the same age after all."

"I'm not too sure, maybe?" is the reply you hear from your grandpa before you head out the front door towards the house next door.


Well. This happened. I'm sorry if it's not too good, I promise more will happen later on.

- Aimzy

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