Meet Jack!

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You walked out the front gate of your grandparents' home and tried to figure out where the voice was coming from. The first house you tried was the house around the corner from yours. You knocked on the door to be greeted by a woman in her mid-40s.

"Yes? Can I help you?" She asked a hint of annoyance in her voice, 'maybe she heard it too...' you thought.

"Umm yes, my name is (Y/N) and I moved into my grandparents home around the corner. I was wondering if you knew where the loud yelling came from?" You inquired. The woman took the time to study your face.

"I have no idea but if you find the source, tell the rascal he's disrupting my children's afternoon naps!" She barked and slammed the door in your face. You walked back around the corner and tried the house next door. 10 minutes after you knocked, the person in residence opened the door. The first thing you noticed about him was his green hair (slowly turning aqua) and his blue eyes.

"Uhhh....hi, do you by chance know of any loud noise that could be coming from t-this area?" you murmured, stuttering towards the end. He exhaled and laughed a laugh you thought could become contagious.

"Oh yeah! Sorry about that! I get a little loud for my viewers!! But I should introduce myself. I am Seàn, but you can call me Jack!" Jack laughed as he shook your hand. You smiled back at him, "I'm (Y/N), it's nice to meet you. I also have to tell you though, that you should probably keep it down, the woman around the corner says you're disturbing her children's naps." You giggled at the last part. "ME? KEEP IT DOWN? NEVER!" Jack said back to you trying to act offended. "Oh and seeing as you're here now, do you want to come in and play some games (Y/N)?" He asked you.

"Sure Jack, not for a long time though my grandparents may need me" you replied. He laughed and gave you an unofficial house tour and then he brought you to his games room. 'Wow this place is so big and is THAT a Nintendo Entertainment System?' You thought to yourself. "So (Y/N)...what do you wanna play?" Jack asked you breaking you out of your thoughts, "Huh? What did you say Jack?" You asked him. "I asked what did you want to play silly!" Jack replied, you looked into his sea blue eyes. You soon realised you were staring for a little longer than you should've and quickly looked away and mumbled, "I'm sorry I have to go." And you ran out his house embarrassed back to your grandparents house with Jack yelling at you to stop running.

You slammed the front door shut and ran up to your room and made sure your curtains were drawn shut. You decided to use this time now to set up your room to how you wanted it to be.

Your room wasn't too big but wasn't too small either

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Your room wasn't too big but wasn't too small either. You decided to get changed into something more comfortable (outfit below) and watch Netflix until you fell asleep.

 You decided to get changed into something more comfortable (outfit below) and watch Netflix until you fell asleep

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Hey guys sorry it took so long to update this story. I've been trying to find time as well as gathering inspiration from other authors (you guys are all the best your stories are awesome btw)
So yeah. On Christmas Day a competitor from my sport was killed in a car crash and recently the guy who caused it went to court where he's had his bail revoked. She would be competing today if she were alive. When I heard the bail was revoked I was so happy that some justice had been served. (This is my reason for not updating I would've done it sooner though) anyways guys see you in the next chapter!
- Aimzy

New Girl in Town (Jacksepticeye x Reader) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now