Best friends?

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A few months later

"I'm heading out to Jack's place!" You yelled out to the house in hopes someone could hear you.

"Okay, be home before dinner!" Your Grandma yelled out to you from the other end of the house.

"I will!" You yelled back and left the house, in the few months you've been living with your grandparents, you've already managed to mow the monstrosity that was the lawn and get your Grandma's garden back to the neat garden it was, with the help of Jack of course. You two became best friends quickly and Jack was always ready to help you.

You jumped the fence into your best friend's front yard and went and knocked on the door. You however had no idea what Jack had been doing so you knew he could answer the door in anything. Jack opened the door, this time in nothing but a towel.

"AHH! (Y/N)!! WHY ARE YOU HERE SO EARLY? I HAVEN'T EVEN GOT READY YET!!" Jack yelled at you when you just walked in without a welcome. You didn't expect one at the very least.

"Well Jackaboy. I want to take you up on that offer you made last week about being in one of your videos for once." You calmly stated as Jack ran upstairs to get changed.

"Oh is that all? Well is there anything in particular you wanted to do?" Jack questioned from his room.

"Well, Mario Kart?" You questioned, you've always been a BEAST at Mario Kart (A/N: Actually me though). You were just waiting to prove to Jack's audience that you were better than him.

"Sure, just don't go beating me. I have a reputation to uphold" Jack stated proudly as he walked down the stairs to head towards his recording room to which he found you already setting up his stuff as you'd watch him do a million times. So you already knew how to do it.

"Well gee thanks (Y/N)! I'll let you do everything in terms of setup!" Jack just grinned at you to which you laughed.

"Well I was getting bored Jack, what else was I meant to do? Sit here and twiddle my thumbs?" You sarcastically questioned.

"Nah it's fine. I'll put the game in and put in the capture card." Jack told you, you smiled, you found that some of the things he did to be cute to which you then just shook your head and grabbed a seat.

"It's all set up Jack." You said to him, sitting down.

Jack set up all the recording gear and sat down on a seat next to you which made you blush a little bit. Jack then started the recording.

"TOP O' THE MORNIN' TO YA LADDIES!! MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE! And today I have my beautiful best friend (Y/N) here with me to play some Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Now (Y/N) I know you're a BOSS at Mario Kart but please don't destroy me!" Jack half yelled-half pleaded.

"I can't guarantee a single thing Jackaboy!" You said with a giant grin on your face.

Jack decided to choose to do a multiplayer Grand Prix and chose to play as Toad. You chose Link and chose the best possible Kart combination. To which Jack copied your Kart. Jack then chose to do Lightning Cup (not that he had much choice with your constant pleading to do that specific Cup.

You had so far won 2/4 races heading into the last race. A remake of Mario Kart 64's Rainbow Road. The original course was your all-time favourite growing up. You were determined to not let Jack beat you. He beat you in the 1 race out of the previous 3 that you didn't win. Your commentary added in with Jack's only made the whole experience better for the sake of his fans. You were in the second portion of the race.

"AHHH IM GETTING SHELL AFTER SHELL THROWN AT ME RIGHT NOW!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" You were half screaming at Jack who was almost cracking up next to you.

"I am having a blast with my friend the Red Koopa Shell (Y/N)." Jack says half laughing next to you.

As you entered the third and final portion of the map you and Jack were pretty close in terms of the distance in your Karts.

"Jack I don't know what you're up to but please let me be!!" You pleaded. Trying to maintain your lead over your best friend.

Jack just kept his eyes on the game and was talking about how fun the game is when you have multiple friends playing with you. You were agreeing with what he was saying.

"Jack! Back your kart off this instant!" You demanded, while Jack looked to be scheming, you were almost at the finish line and you looked at Jack's half of the screen and saw he was about to throw his red shell. Lucky for you, you had a banana peel item. You made it across the finish line in first and Jack came in second just behind you.

"Argh! I thought I had that one (Y/N)!" Jack stated leaning back on his chair. You were half-laughing at him and his numerous failures throughout the races to prevent you from winning. Then Jack decided to leave it as it was. He did his outtro and stopped the recording. He turned everything off and then turned to you.

"That was fun (Y/N)! I hope my fans like you. Normally whenever I have my friend Mark on the channel we get shipped straight afterwards by my fans so I hope they just appreciate having you on the channel!" Jack exclaimed with a big smile.

"Jack, what if they start shipping us though...or what if they don't like me" You asked him, looking at the floor, generally concerned about her best friend's fandom.

"Nah, I know they'll love you!" Jack smiled towards you. You looked at a clock and realised you had to be home soon seeing as it was 5:30 and your grandparents normally had their dinner at 6. You realised that you and Jack had been recording for a few hours.

"Anyways, I have to be home soon, do you want to join my grandparents and myself for dinner?" You asked Jack, hoping he would say yes seeing as your grandparents came to love Jack. His loud voice and all. Just as you had learned to enjoy being around.

"Sure, I wasn't planning on eating for a little while anyways." Jack says as he puts on his shoes to leave the house with you. You both jumped the fence to head into your yard and you went into your home first.

"Grandma! Grandpa! I'm home! I brought Jack with me!" You yelled out to hear talking between your grandparents coming from the kitchen. You motioned to Jack for him to get inside and you both went into the kitchen to help prepare dinner. You were helping your grandmother make some homemade pasta to go with the meatballs that Jack was helping with, everything was going just fine until your grandfather said to Jack.

"So, when will you start dating (Y/N)?" This caused you to drop what you were doing and instantly walk up to your room. You sat in your room in tears over what just happened. Your Grandpa knew how you felt about Jack but you didn't wish for him to blurt it out in that manner. Then you heard the footsteps outside your door.


A/N: The next chapter will be a P.O.V. kinda thing in Jack's eyes. Also yes. I'm most positively alive. Not dead. Also this is a few months after the last one because a) I'm very lazy and b) there wouldn't have been anything interesting and I wanted the story to get a move on. But yes. Author is definitely alive.

Until next time!

- Aimzy

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2018 ⏰

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