-| 11 / figuring things out |-

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Caroline ripped the envelope open carefully and took out the tear-stained letter.


Dear Caroline,

I'm sorry things had to be this way, but I don't want to get between you and the sake of the kingdom. I know you probably hate me for saying this, but I have to leave the palace.

You're going to be queen, and I don't want to distract you from your duty to your people. If you're reading this, it means that I'm already gone.

I couldn't pluck up the courage to tell you in person. I knew I wouldn't be able to go and that would be selfish. I also know that I'm a coward for not meeting you and I'm sorry I've been avoiding you these days. I just couldn't bear the fact that things were over the moment you found a suitor.

I was sure that you'd try to find a way for us to work it out, you always do. This time, though, there was nothing and I'm sorry things had to end this way.

You're not going to hear from me any time soon; I'll try to keep a distance for a while. I've already given my parents their goodbyes and quit my job at the kitchens.

Again, I'm sorry I couldn't face you. It was just too hard... I'll never forget you. Maybe one day, we'll meet again, but for now all I have to say is a goodbye and that I love you.



Caroline wiped a tear and looked at the letter in disbelief. Something wasn't right about that letter, but she couldn't really put her finger on it. She frowned and read it again and again, each time crying even more and sobbing harder. She couldn't lose Faith; she loved her too much.

She really hoped the whole thing was a joke and that Faith would barge into the room laughing and making her feel better.

But that didn't happen. The door remained shut and Caroline kept sobbing.

She remembered the day she and Faith interacted for the first time. It was the first time Tristan managed to make her sneak out of the palace with him, along with some of the servants their age.

Caroline was mostly on her own against a wall while the others danced and laughed and got drunk. She was regretting that decision and wanted to go home, when Faith approached her.

"What's wrong?", she had asked her.

"Oh... Nothing. I just don't like parties a lot.", Caroline had shrugged.

"I used to be like that too, but then I learned to let myself go.", the girl had smiled. "I'm Faith, nice to meet you.", she had extended her arm.


"I know.", Faith had smiled. Then she blushed. "I mean, you're the princess... Everyone knows who you are.", she had rushed.

"Right...", Caroline had sighed bitterly.

"Hey, don't worry about that! How about you grab a drink and we go dance a bit? Forget about your duties for a while."

"Um... I don't know...

"Oh, come on! Who knows? You might have some fun."

Crystal Kingdoms • Book 1 Of The Crystal Trilogy | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now