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Cheryl hadn't been ready to face Tristan. The entire conversation had been somewhere along the lines of awkward and both of them wanted it to end.

Violet didn't seem to notice that. She and Tristan were too busy trying to convince Cheryl to talk to Daniel about the upcoming attack, but she was too stubborn.

"I can't do that! I just can't...", she kept saying.

Eventually, Violet pushed her too hard and she snapped.

"Why can't you just have a simple conversation with your husband?", Violet yelled at her. Tristan was standing awkwardly nearby.

"Because I took a bloody oath!", Cheryl yelled back, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Wait, what? What kind of oath? Don't tell me--"

"A magical one.", Cheryl looked away. "If I talk to him before this is all over, my kids will die."

"Your kids are still alive? Where are they?", Tristan jumped into the conversation.

Cheryl avoided his gaze. "I don't know.", she gulped. Tristan could tell she wasn't telling the truth but he didn't pressure her any further. He'd seen where it had gotten his girlfriend.

"Why in the name of hell would you take an oath and put your kids' lives at risk?", Violet glared at her.

"I needed to do something drastic that would keep me away from Daniel at all costs."

"Alright then.", Tristan shrugged. "What do we do now?"

"I- If you really must, I'll tell you some things to say to him that will prove you're on the right side and that you have my support.", she bit her lip. "Just tell him I'm sorry if you decide to go. He'll know what about."

Tristan nodded. "Okay...", he sighed.

"Wait... You're leaving again?", Violet frowned.

"You could come with me!", Tristan took her hands in his. Cheryl raised an eyebrow, but nobody noticed. Tristan's face fell, though. "But you won't, will you?"

Violet shook her head. "There's some stuff I need to take care of.", she stared at her feet.

Cheryl really tried not to stare, but the entire thing confused her as to why Violet refused to go with her boyfriend. Everyone knew she would regret it, so why couldn't she just leave with him?

"It's okay, I get it.", he gave her a small smile.

"Well, it's your loss, really.", she smirked. "You're going to have to save the world without me."

"It is a burden I'm willing to carry.", he joked dramatically.

"Just do me a favour..."

"What kind of favour?"

"Don't take all the credit for it!", she crossed her arms playfully.

"I'd never!", Tristan put his hand over his heart, pretending to be offended.

"I'm sure you wouldn't.", she scoffed. "Oh, and don't die. Please. I'm just reminding you this because you're dumb enough to get yourself killed. Be careful, idiot.", she rolled her eyes.

"That's two favours..."

Violet waved that off. "Details...", she rolled her eyes. "Just promise me you'll be careful."

"I will, I promise.", he nodded.


"Come here...", he hugged her, resting his chin on the top of her head. "You know that I'm not leaving yet, right?", he asked Violet.

Crystal Kingdoms • Book 1 Of The Crystal Trilogy | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now