Chapter 10

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Lisa's POV
I'm getting ready for mine and Coltons date, and I have no idea what we are doing. I heard a knock on my door and I yelled
"Its open" I said and it was Christina
"Hey, did you ever finish recording those harmonies?" She asked and I nodded
"Yes, its all ready to film" I said and she smiled
"Awesome!" She said and she looked at me
"So where are you going tonight?" She asked
"A date" I said and she looked at me
"A date? With who?" She said and I chuckled
"Colton" I said and she smiled
"Awh, really?" She said and I nodded
"Yes, really" I said and she smiled again
"He seems like a good guy" she said and I smiled and she noticed how red I was getting
"Oh my gosh, you are blushing!" She said and I laughed
"I'm really starting to like him Christina" I said and she smiled
"Obviously he likes you too since you're going on a date" she said and I smiled and I heard the doorbell and she smiled
"Go have fun, tell me about it when you get back" She said and I walked downstairs and I heard Michael
"Have fun on your date" he said and I looked at him confused
"How do you know I'm going on a date?" I asked and he spoked up
"Colton asked me if it was okay he took you out"  he said and I smiled, the fact he respects my family enough to ask my big brother for permission, I went and opened the door and he was standing there
"Hey" I said and he smiled
"Hi" he said with a smile and I walked outside
"You ready?" He asked and I nodded and we walked to his car and he opened the door for me and I climbed in and he got in on the drivers side and reached in the back to hand me flowers
"For you" he said and I smiled
"Awh, thank you" I said smiling real big and I smiled
"So what are we doing?" I asked and he spoked up
"Well since it's winter and snowy, I would love to take you ice skating and walk around Nashville and have hot chocolate" he said and I smiled
"I love ice skating!" I said and he smiled
"I never been" he said and I looked at him wide eyed
"Seriously!?"I said and he laughed
"Seriously!" He said and I smiled
"Its really easy" I said and he nodded
"I'll take your word for it" he said and we pulled up at the ice skating  place and it was a outside one and it had christmas lights, it was absolutely beautiful
"I have never been here before" I admitted and he smiled and we went and he paid for our skates and we started putting them on and we started skating and he started falling and I laughed
"I told you! I never done this before" he said and I chuckled and he got up and I took his hand and interwined them together
"I'll help you" I said and he smiled and he continued skating and he lost his balance which cause both of us to fall down and we just started busting out laughing
"I'm sorry" he said kinda embarrass and I laughed
"Its fine!" I said and we got up and continued skating, we talked, laughed. I honestly don't think it can go any better

Colton's POV
After a couple hours we decided to stop skating and we started walking around, it was cold so we stop somewhere and got hot chocolate and we sit on this bench to where we can see lights and everything because it was really beautiful and I noticed she was shivering
"You cold?" I asked and she nodded and I just wrapped my arm around her and she rested her head on my shoulder and she spoked up
"I have to admit, this is probably the best date I've been one" she said and I smiled really big
"I can say the same" I said and she smiled
"Soo, I have a question" she asked and I looked at her
"Christina's and New years eve is coming up, and we have having get togethers, do you want to come?" She asked and I smiled
"Well for Christmas I'm going to New Jersey to see my family, but I'll be back for New years eve, so I would love to come" I said and she smiled
"Good" she said and I chuckled and we were still basically just snuggling on that bench. Everything about this night is perfect.

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