Chapter 6

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-1 week later-

After the events of last week i haven't talked to mac. My next location for my tour was houston, which was half way across the country so i wouldn't have to either. Though part of me wanted too. After what he said to me i sorta felt bad for dubbing him but i also felt good. In conclusion i had no idea what i was feeling. My thoughts were scrambled. I cant help but think about how life would have been over the last week if  he hadn't showed up back stage the opening date, or if i hadn't recieved those damn texts.

All these thoughs ran through my head as i put my hair up in a high pony as asual, and sat waiting on my make up team to doll me up.

"You ready?" Justin asks from the door way of my dressing room.

The loud combination of exited voices booming through the huge stadium.

"Yeah" i reply, simply staring at myself in the mirror

"Well good" he says, walking into the room, looking in the mirror with me.

"Why?" I turn to look at him.

"Because" he says grabbing my hand.

"Those people" he says pointing to the general area of where the voices are coming from.

"...there here for you, and your amazing talents." He says smiling down at me.

As the make up crew finishes up and leaves the room we sit for a minute staring into each others eyes. As i look into his eyes every thought of mac and the weeks events faids from my mind and i remember just why i chose him over mac in the first place.
A glimps of happiness shines through causing a smile to form on my face as he leans in to kiss my forehead. 

"Good luck" he says backing out of the room.

Weather its the enlightenment from justin or the loud roars of my thousands of fans i couldn't tell you but when the beeping sound in my dressing room signals it time to go on stage im as happy to preform as i was the night before mac showed up back in my life.

Ok ok i know im super late on my promise to post every week....buttt school started and i was not expecting to be hit with so much homework and time consuming things. Thats highschool i guess anywayss im super sorry so heres something to fill the voide for a week cause its super suspensful so ya love you guys thank you for waiting❤❤ -uhnohobooks

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