Two - If Ignorance Is Bliss You Must Be the Happiest Person on This Planet

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Two - If Ignorance Is Bliss, You Must Be the Happiest Person on This Planet

Wanting to put up posters for the Green Club is one thing, and being forced by your club leader is another.

I've been putting up posters that read, Keep the earth clean! for the past hour, and I'm still only on the first floor of the building. The only good thing that comes out of doing all of this is: one, we're saving the earth, and two, I get to skip history for the day.

But I swear the club leader hates me.

Mandy Holloway is her name. And yes, she's Veronica's twin sister. Although they have different tastes in fashion, they still both have the snobby, bossy personality. Instead of having clothes like Veronica, Mandy wears classic, preppy clothes with a straight hair and headbands. "Blair," she snaps, putting a hand on her hip as she squints her eyes to the poster I'm currently sticking to the wall.

"What?" I ask, looking over my shoulder.

"You're placing the poster wrong." I look back at the colorful sheet of paper. I tell her that there's nothing wrong with the poster, because it's true.

"Ugh," she groans, pushing me to the side and makes it perfect. Damn, I hate that girl. "it's not straight. If you're not going to follow instructions, then don't even participate." Then struts away with her silky brown hair swiftly swinging side to side. I didn't even choose to do this!

Rolling my eyes, I go back to sticking these damn posters onto the wall.

A few minutes later, the school bell rings loud in my ears, dismissing everyone to lunch. "Hey," says a voice behind me. I turn around, only to come face to face with the most gorgeous guy in the world, Kyle Wilson.

I give him a small smile. "Hi." We just sort of stare at each other for a while. Okay, so maybe I'm the one that's staring at him, but how can I not?

He clears his throat, "So, uh, Ms. Millard assigned us to be partners." Partners? Together? Shit.

"Oh," is all I say, before I realize that I'm making myself a fool in front of him. "for what, exactly?"

"We're doing some kind of presentation about the aircrafts and stuff that was in the war," he replies. Oh, God, he looked hot. And I just can't stop my eyes from wandering down to his chest... Holy shit, Blair, I think, what the hell are you doing?

I shake my head clear. "Uh...okay, then. I guess I'll see you later." An acrid smell of fresh paint fills my nose. Watch--the damn locker is newly painted and I'll have purple on my jacket. My eyes grow big and I stare at the purple that's on the black leather jacket. He does the same, but actually cracks a smile.

"Well, I, uh," I choke out, laughing nervously as I take my jacket off.

"See you around," he says, then gets swallowed up by the mob of students in the hallway. I scrunch up my face as I take a quick glance at my purple-painted outerwear. Curse you, lockers.

As I proceed sticking the poster onto the wall in front of me, I hear the voice I've never wanted to hear in a million years. "You seriously like that asshole?"

And, once again, I turn around, but my expression isn't happy at all. "What do you want, Jace?" I hate him. I hate every single bit of him.

He takes a step toward me, with his hands stuffed in the pocket of his jeans. "Nothing. Just wanted to say a quick hi to the best person in the world before going to lunch." I take a step back, walking to the next wall, but he's right behind me, following. "Nah, I have to take a fucking exam in order for me to get out of junior year," he answers.

Like I care. "Good for you," I say, deadpan. With my leather jacket hanging from my shoulder, I put up another poster up; this time, without a care about what Mandy tells me.

Everyone has left to lunch, so it's just me and Jace in an empty hallway.

Huh, I never realized how creepy it is in this hallway.

"Fiesty, aren't you, Blair?" he asks, putting his hands up in defeat.

I give him a face smile. "You know, if ignorance is bliss, you must be the happiest person on this planet," I snap, yet I keep that fake smile on my face. And to contain my anger, I'm squeezing the crap out of my jacket. "But it isn't."

"So, what happened to the old Blair, huh? No more baggy clothes?" he asks. I freeze.

"Yeah," I squeak out. "I've, uh, grown out of it." The bell rings, signaling the students that it's the end of lunch. A mob of students rush out of the cafeteria doors, pushing each other while chatting with one another.

"I'm glad you did, B. 'Cause you look a whole lot hotter now," he says, before winking and turning down the hall.

I stand here in shock. Did he just say I was hot?

Holy shit. What the hell's happening?

* * *

"What you're saying is that my brother told you that you" Emma questions, placing her bag down next to her bed. She sucks in a deep breath. "Well, that's not a surprise, now, is it?"

I groan. "Em, you're not helping," I say, running my fingers through my awfully tangled hair. I was rushing to get to school this morning, don't judge.

"Fine," she replies, stepping over the big log that's blocking us. "but he isn't wrong, you do look better than before. I mean, come one, Blair, you can pull off a tight dress and high heels." I give her a glare. She continues, "What? It's the truth." How is it the truth?

I push the bottom end of the bow up and then slide the string over my head to bring the bow off my body before getting in position. Pointing the bow towards the ground, I grab an arrow from the quiver and place the arrow onto the arrow rest, attaching the back of the arrow to the bowstring with the nock before placing my index finger above the arrow and my middle and ring finger under the arrow.

I hold the left arm outward toward the target, my inner elbow parallel to the ground and my bow stays vertical. Drawing the right hand to the side of my cheek, I make sure I'm not too relaxed. I aim the arrow toward the target and focus on nothing but the center of the target. I take another deep breath, holding it in as I release the arrow, only to keep my bow hand steady until it hits the target, and I watch as it flies.

It hits the target, right in the center; just how I want it to be.

And then Emma's phone goes off, pulling my focus away from the target. Glancing over my shoulder, I see Emma taking her phone out of her backpack. "Hi, bro-ha," she answers, kicking the rock beside her. "What? No, I'm with Blair right now. Mom wants me home before six? But it's already five forty-five! Okay, can you pick me up? I'll see you later then. Bye." She grabs her backpack from the ground.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow," I tell her.

"Yeah, bye, Blair," she responds, walking off toward the entrance of the woods.

I continue shooting the targets until it gets dark, wondering what would happen with the famous Jace Ryder back in my life again.

Will he treat me like how he did before?

Did he actually change over the year in jail?

~ Second chapter is up! Yay! Sorry I took long, didn't really have any ideas on how this chapter should end. Well I hope you enjoyed Jace and Blair's little "moment" back there. Leave any feedback so I'll know that this book is worth continuing. Also, if you think I'm awesome for updating and having Jace and Blair for the first time ever, drop a vote. And fan me if you'd like!

-Sarah ~

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2014 ⏰

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