It's up his butt

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I woke up to multiple footsteps running around the house. I lookd out the window to see the sun starting to rise over the treetops. The backyard was pretty big, with bright green grass. There was a large shed in the left corner. I watched as both of the doors opened and Brian steps out, and after him was a brown horse. My door opened and Evan stood there, in a tight black shirt and black gym shorts.

"Ever hear of knocking?" I scoffed at him.

"Get dressed in workout clothes. We jog to our personal gym about two miles away." And with that he turned around and slammed the door closed.

I got up and went over to the dresser, and opened the top drawer. Inside were sport bras and underwear that were my size. My face went red, as it dawned on me that one of the guys had put this all here. I grabbed a white tank top and white gym shorts. Once I was done I opened the door and called Song with me. We ran down the stairs and saw all the boys standing at the door. Evan stood by the door and watched me come in.

"Alright! Ryan, Luke, and Anthony are already there. Let's get going. Two at a time, so find a partner." He opened the door and him and Jon walked out. Craig stood next to me and handed me a water bottle.

"Who are we meeting there?" I asked Craig

"They live somewhere else in the city. It's just so we have another place to keep our stuff."

I nodded my head and watched as Tyler and Marcel walked out the door together. Brock looked back at me and I saw the Eagle on his shoulder. Both him and Brian were wearing sunglasses. They both smiled at me and turned around, going back to their conversation. The door opened and Lui and David walked out.

"Did your brothers gang have a gym?"

"Yeah. He never let me go tho. Didn't want to watch his member drool over me. So I mainly jogged. I bet I can beat anyone in a race."

Brian turned around again and smirked at me.

"Yeah right. Bet you can't beat me."

"Lets go bro."

I walked out the door with him behind me. The brown horse stood out there and lifted its head up and walked over to us. Brian started to jog and I jogged next to him. Song stayed at my heels and the horse right behind us. We both got faster and soon we were sprinting through the streets. We reached an old warehouse. We paused taking deep breaths. I looked over and saw David and lui jogging from another street.

"You got here fast." lui said and opened a door. Nogla followed and I went in after him. Inside was lots of equipment. There was a boxing ring in one corner, and up above was a big walk way, probably for running. Evan, Jon, Tyler, and Marcel were already training. I walked in farther and noticed three other men standing at the punching bags.

One had a gray band around his mouth, so I could only see his gray eyes. The second male had red hair and a beard. The third one I had seen yesterday playing games with the boys. All three turned to me.

"So who brought last nights fun time?" Yelled the red head.

I narrowed my eyes at him and stalked over to him.

"What are you implying, oh soulless one?"

He leaned into my face and smirked. "That someone found you on the side of the road. I guess you were that good that he kept you."

I smiled and punched him right in the face. I heard a crunch and assumed his nose broke. He yeld in pain and took a step back. He looked up and was about to attack me, but the guy in gray stepped in front of me.

"You wouldn't hit a pretty lady, would you Luke?" He asked.

He had a Gray hoodie on, and a gray bunny popped out of the hood. It wiggled its nose at me.

"Only if the pretty lady deserved it."

"Well you did call her a prostitute."

Evan walked over with David behind him. Nogla started to lift Luke's head up so he could see his nose.

"She's part of the gang now. She's the sister of Felix." Evan said.

Luke scoffed and walked away with Nogla in tow. The guy in gray turned around and held out his for me to shake.

"I'm Ryan, and the bunnie is Omega."

"I'm Christine. And my fox is Song."

"Alright, get back to training. Christine, your training with me. I want to see your skills." Evan said, turning to me.

We had a small glare off until he turned around and beckoned me over to a treadmill.

I wonder who shoved the stick up his a*s.

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