Chapter 3

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Samuel Seabury's POV

Time in the waiting room was short. A few people after me came in, a few of them I remembered from freshman year. Others were total strangers. In total, there was about 200 kids in this tiny room.

After 5 more students entered, it was time for the ceremony to begin. The bell rang, telling us to enter the hall. I wouldn't necessarily call the sound a bell, but that's what they referred to it as. It sounded like a constant dinging, like an old, out-of-date phone alarm. One that could be drilled into your head.

Neatly and quietly, we got into a line and filed out of the waiting room into the ceremony hall. In the hall were multiple adults, including our state governor, numerous school principals, secretaries, treasuries and other higher authorities. I felt my stomach drop.

In the hall were not only adults but chairs. You know, the old plastic school chairs that come in the "wide variety" of blue, black, green and gray. I, along with the other hopeful teenagers, took a seat in the uncomfortable chairs and looked forward. The governor, who I assumed was running the ceremony, stood behind the podeum at the front of the room and coughed. I looked at him with dread.

"Good morning, children!" he greeted us. I let out a breath I was unaware of holding.

"Good morning." everyone, including me, returned in a monotone voice. He put on a fake smile.

"Today is the day of the Soulmate Ceremony, where you all will find your soulmate, and hopefully live a fairytale ever after. Once the clock above me hits zero, you all will spread out and find your soulmate. It will happen naturally, as I'm sure you all know. While we wait, I will answer a few questions you all may have." the governor declared, shoulders wide and smile big.

My head lolled down a tad as I began to regret coming in the first place. I know it's required, but it's stupid.

I lifted my head back up and noticed a few hands raised. Great.

The governor pointed to short Asian girl in a baby blue dress. She put her hand down.

"Hi. So, my question is, what if we don't find our soulmate?" she inquired. After she asked this, almost all of the other hands went down. The governor took a deep breath.

"I know in the past there has been a history of people not finding their soulmates, but that's rare, so think positively, kids! Next question." he explained. The person next to me scoffed.

I didn't look at him. I wanted to ask him why he scoffed, but I kept to myself.

He pointed to a tall, dark-skinned boy who I recognized from my French 4 class. I think his name is Lafayette. That's what eveyone
called him, ayway. He put his hand down.

"What happens if my soulmate doesn't love
me?" he asked, voice quiet. I looked directly at the governor this time.

"That's impossible." he quickly answered, looking at the clock. It read 1:00. 60 seconds left.

I rolled my eyes at his answer. He probably didn't know anything about losing a loved one. Especially a parent.

The clock continued to tick, and my blood began to race. I impatiently tapped my foot against the hard, off-white tile, focusing on its relation to the other sounds in the room. Brushing my hair out of my eyes, I looked up at the clock. 15 seconds left.

As luck would have it, time seemed to move at the slowest of paces. I shut my eyes for a second, took a deep breath, and when I opened them again, it was time.

The same sound from earlier buzzed again. All at once, everyone got out of their seats and spread apart as we were told. I tried to keep my chin up.

Almost instantaneously, people were already finding their soulmates. The short Asain girl from earlier was tightly hugging a taller boy who had tan skin and silky black hair. I knew him from school. His name is Alexander Hamilton. He's what you'd call "popular."

Both were smiling, something I wish I was doing. Instead, I looked around hopelessly, hoping what needed to happen would happen already.

While attempting to back up into a small corner, I bumped into something. Well, rather, someone. I turned around and looked at them, my breath immediately being taken away.

He somehow had pearly white hair that was stiffened and curled. Attatched to his cherry colored shirt was a pitch black bowtie. On his feet looked to be Italian leather shoes, ones that belonged in movies or on runways.

My eyes met his, and he flashed me a smile. I felt a blush creep up onto my neck and ears. He may be the one.

I coughed a little. "Can I, erm, see your mark?" I hesitantly asked, fidgeting with my hands. He nodded excitedly and pulled back the collar of his shirt.

On his neck was a tiny scroll and little golden crown.

My breath hitched, and I shakily moved the collar of my green polo down. He studied them carefully, then smiled wider. I did the same.

"George. George Frederick." he extened his hand. When I shook his hand, an warm energy encompassed me.

He's the one.

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