Chapter 13

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I wish that we could stay here Harry. Grow old.

Those very words kept on ringing on the Beast's mind ever since he looked at the view in front of him. What's weirder is that he heard Belle's voice when it came into his mind. While the Beast was silently thinking, Belle was also occupied with her thoughts.

"What's your name?" She asked him when they were facing the castle doors.

"What?" The Beast asked.

"I'm asking you for your name," she told him.

"It's," the Beast paused. There were two conflicting voices in his head.



One of them was telling him to tell Belle that his name was Harry but the other was saying that he should say Adam.

"Adam," he told her. "It's Adam."

Belle hid her disappointed frown from the Beast. A part of her was saying that he should've said Harry, not Adam.

"Adam," Belle called out to him.


"Have you had these dreams?" Belle asked him. "Dreams that are of like another life?"

Yes, the Beast wanted to say but he didn't.

"Why? Do you?"

Yes, Belle wanted to say, but like the Beast, she didn't.

"It was just a question," she said.

"Oh. I don't really know," he lied. "I don't remember most of my dreams."

"Oh," Belle hid again her disappointment. "Alright. Let's eat our breakfast."


After breakfast, Belle went to her room to give back the shawl that Madame DeGarderobe lent her. When she gave it back, she felt a little sleepy. So she went to her bed and took a little nap.



Belle dreamt that she was walking in a forest. It was a familiar forest.

As she was walking, she heard someone calling her. She kept on following the voice until she ended up right in front of a really small tent. Just outside that tent is a girl who looked exactly like her. She was standing outside, staring at Belle.

"W-who are you?" Belle asked.

The girl chuckled. "I'd think you'd know who I am right now."

"You're not Hermione Granger. Are you?"

"I am," the girl said with confidence.

"What's happening?"

"Listen," she took one step towards Belle. "I need you to wake up. To remember."

"Remember what?"

"About your life before. About you and Harry."


"If you don't, then you and Harry won't have the happy ending that you've been striving for."

"What are you taking about?" Belle was at a huge loss.

Hermione sighed and took Belle's hand in hers. "I'll show you."

Belle felt a rush come in her body. When that was done, both she and Hermione were still in the same place that they were just a few seconds earlier.

Beauty and the Beast: Harry Potter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now