Chapter 19

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A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating in a month. I'll make it up to you guys.

Also thanks for the 1,080+ reads.

The castle staff heard the chanting of the townspeople and saw that they didn't look like a friendly group of people coming to visit. They barricaded the doors so that they won't get inside but they were using the bark of the tree to get inside. The castle staff knew that they'd get inside somehow, so they decided to make a plan.

"Call the master! He could help!" Lumiere said to Cogsworth.

Cogsworth ran as fast as he can with his small legs to the tower where Harry was. His mind was somewhere else. He didn't look like he even noticed the group of people trying to break down the door.

"Oh excuse me master," Cogsworth said out of breath. "I-I am so sorry to disturb you b-"

"She's not coming," Harry said sadly. That's all he cares about now.

"No," Cogsworth shook his head sadly. "But sir, they're breaking down the doors!" He exclaimed.

"Doesn't matter now," he said. "Just let them come."

Cogsworth went back with a sad expression on his face. The castle staff knew that they won't receive any help from their mater who's still heartbroken.

"Alright everyone. Go to your places!" Mrs. Potts said.


"Kill the Beast! Kill the Beast!" The townspeople chanted.

With one more push of the bark of the tree at the door, it finally bursted wide open. They were all melted with a strong gust of cold wind. With Gaston's lead, everyone took wary steps inside the castle. Their eyes wandered around and didn't let themselves relax.

"Are you not the least bit concerned that this castle might be haunted?" Lefou suddenly whispered.

"Don't lose your nerve Lefou," Gaston said.

Everyone didn't move another step and looked around.

"This place seems familiar. Like I've been here before," Monsieur Jean voiced out his thoughts.

No one said anything but they all also felt something familiar about the place. Lefou's eyes then landed on the chipped teacup that was just a few steps in front of him.

"Oh hello there. You must be the talking teacup," he said to it. Then he faced the tea pot. "And you must be his grandmother."

Mrs. Potts opened her eyes and gasped. "Grandmother?! Attack!"

In an instant, the furniture came back to life and started to attack the townspeople. The townspeople were all shocked and frightened with the furniture alive. But they were able to regain themselves and started to fight against them. Gaston used Lefou as a human shield until Lefou was stuck under a harpsichord.

"Gaston," Lefou said with a strained voice. "Help."

"Sorry old friend. It's hero time."

With that, Gaston left his friend and sought out for the Beast. The townspeople were too occupied that they didn't notice their leader's disappearance.

Gaston went with every twist and turn, clutching his torch tightly as he went deeper and deeper into the castle, in search for the Beast that has stolen his love's heart.


"Hello Beast," Gaston pointed his pistol at the Beast right in front of him. "I'm Gaston, Belle sent me."

Harry's ears perked up when he heard a familiar voice right behind him. A voice of his best friend. Ron. He turned around and saw Ron looking at him with a look of unfamiliarity and hate. His eyes landed on the pistol in his hand but he didn't back away. He knew that in this world, Ron doesn't know him as his best friend. Harry would've tried to slap some sense in him but he's lost all hope when he saw Belle running away.

Of course, she'd send him to kill me. She won't ever love me.

"Are you in love with her?" Gaston asked with some amusement in his voice.


"Did you honestly think she'd want you?"

I hoped she did.

Harry sighed sadly and was shocked when he felt a searing pain on his shoulder and heard a ringing sensation in his ears. He fell from the tower that he was in but he wasn't going to let himself die. He grabbed hold of one of the shorter towers and clung on to them tightly.

A groan left his mouth when he moved his shoulder. He never thought that Ron was ever going to shoot him but he didn't give it much thought. He lifted his head and saw that Gaston was watching him. Not caring if he was going to kill his best friend. He watched as Gaston was about to finish the job but he was set back.

Gaston turned around and watched as Hermione broke all of his arrows and threw them away. His hands began to ball into fists in anger.

"Where is he?" Hermione said angrily. She couldn't bear if something bad happened to Harry. Her Harry.

"When we return to the village, you will marry me. And that Beast's head is going to hang on our wall." Gaston was pulling out his pistol but Hermione was trying to stop him.


The both of them struggled until the edge of the tower broke down, making Gaston fall but he didn't fall that far. He was able to find a solid part of the castle to go to. Hermione backed away before she too would fall. Both she and Gaston saw the pistol fall down on the snow. Hermione was relieved but she started to run so that she could take the pistol first instead of Gaston.

"I'm coming for you Beast!" Gaston exclaimed.

Harry roared and began to jump into the nearest tower. His shoulder was hurting really badly but he knew that he had to move or else Gaston will kill him.

The Golden Trio were on the move. Harry was moving from tower to tower so that he won't get killed by Gaston. Gaston was on his way to get his pistol so that he could kill the Beast and win Belle's heart without anymore competitions and setbacks. Hermione was running for both her life and Harry's. She needed to safe him and say that she remembers and that she chose him. She'll always choose him.

Hermione stopped abruptly when she saw Harry hanging on one of the towers. His hand slipped and Hermione thought that Harry was done for.

"NO!" She exclaimed.

Before Harry could fall, he held on tight on the tower. He pulled himself up and groaned because of the pain on his shoulder. But the pain was forgotten when he heard another familiar voice. A voice that he never thought he'd hear again.

"Hermione?" He turned his head and saw Hermione despite the darkness.

"Harry!" She began to smile.

He remembered and she remembered too.

"Hermione!" Harry smiled. "You're back!"

Hermione was about to move, to go to the tower that he was on but he stopped her. "Stay there! I'm coming!"







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

Beauty and the Beast: Harry Potter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now