Chapter 27

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Recap: Dee's test begins; Rey's hand

Rey looked at Juhi. Very intensely. He looked at her raised hand. He raised his hand and pointed at Kriya.

Re: You See the lady over there. She's my wife. She's slightly angry with me but loves me. Reyansh Singhania dances only with her. No one else.

Juhi smirked. Dee was relieved. He didn't do anything wrong. Thank god!

Ju: As you wish Mister. Enjoy the day!

Juhi smiled and departed from their. But she was keen on talking with Kriya. She walked to Kriya.

Ju: Lucky girl huh?

Kr: Sorry! I didn't recognise you.

Ju: Well we don't know each other. But I must say you are very lucky.

Kr: What makes you say that?

Ju: Well I walked to this charming young man

Kr: Alright! Go on

Ju: Let me be little more precise. I walked to your husband.

Kr: Ohk!

Ju: And I asked him for a dance

Kriya stiffened at her statement. She did not do that! Did she?

Ju: But the only thing I got was a denial

Kr: Really?

Ju: Yes! He told me that 'Reyansh Singhania only dances with his wife'

Kriya was flabbergasted. Somewhere in the inside she was very happy. Rey was so loyal with her. But her mind started working. Why would Reyansh do something like this? Why would he behave so nice? Was he up-to something? Only god knew that. Juhi had left by then.

She turned to look at Rey, who was busy declining offers from ladies. It was very evident on his face that he was annoyed. But why would Rey decline offers of such beautiful ladies?
Dee was the happiest. Rey hadn't done anything to break Kriya's heart. He was behaving rude due to the alcohol but that was exactly what Dee wanted. He knew rey was taking out all his frustration of Kriya on those girls. Dee was overjoyed. He wanted this marriage to work out. And if it went all well, he would make that happen.

Kriya was still in a trance when someone came up to her.

Voice: Hi!

Kriya: Hi!

Guy: Would you like to dance with me?

Kr: Not interested

Guy: Aah! I see. But why not?

Kriya knew why not. It was because Rey didn't dance with anyone so she didn't want to too.

Guy: Hmm! I know why. It's because of your husband. He's over possessive about you. Right?

Kriya lost it then. Rey never behaved over possessive with her. He was just plain caring. And here this ass had the audacity to tell something like this.

Kr: Listen Mister! I know my husband freaking well than anyone else. And I can tell you that he would never behave like this ever. I swear.

Guy: Oh really? Then prove it. Dance with me.

Kriya was now confused. Should she dance with this dude to prove him wrong? If she didn't, he would probably go around defaming Rey and if she did, Rey would be updset. But she had to make up her mind. She chose Rey's reputation over his anger. She agreed to dance with him.

They entered the dance floor and Dee's smile vanished. WTF was wrong with Kriya? Why was she dancing with that dude? But he wanted to see Rey's reaction. Would he get violent with Kriya?

He went towards Rey.

Dee: Listen! Doesn't Kriya look beautiful on the dance floor?

Re: *without even glancing* She always looks beautiful

Dee: No! Just look at her.

Rey looked at her and froze. Their stood Kriya dancing with this random dude.

Dee: Isn't their chemistry burning!

Rey's blood started boiling. He went towards the couple dancing.

Dee was expecting an explosion. Looked like he was going to fail the trust challenge.

Re: May I?

Guy: *annoyed* Sure!

He pulled Kriya towards him. There was no space between them. He hugged her tightly, their forehead touched. His breath fanned Kriya's face. She instantly knew he was slightly drunk.

Kr: Your drunk.

Re: Soberly!

Kriya was so intimidated due to the closeness. Dee just turned his head. He saw Rey and Kriya in need of privacy, and was happy Rey didn't shout at her. He passed this again.

Kr: Leave me. Let's go!

Re: Why? Don't like dancing with me.

Kriya could clearly see the hurt in Rey's eyes. She felt guilty. She stayed. Rey's hand travelled to her back. He was missing her touch for long. And now that he was drunk, he lost it.

Kriya what shocked with the touch that she turned to look. When she looked back, their faces where inches apart. Rey looked into her eyes. She was lost in his. He then brushed his lips on hers. She just froze, while he smirked and walked from their. He knew if he stayed there for even a minute, he would lose control and regret it later.

Kriya remained froze on the stage until the MC came up to the stage and told, foods ready!

She then walked towards the food counter.

Dee joined her. He could see she was shocked as well as blushing. He didn't know the reason but he knew Rey was the cause for it.

Dee: All fine Kriya!

Kr: Yeah! Absolutely. What's wrong with me?

Dee: Don't know. You'll know about it.

Kr: Nothing. Let's eat.

They had a silent dinner. They were standing near the passage. They heard the MC announcing something

MC: The stage is all your guys. Come up! Speak up! Sing. Dance. Propose? Do anything.

Everyone cheered for the MC. The voice came from everywhere as everyone was having dinner at different places but could hear the MC from the speakers.

Kr: So cute na! Imagine someone going up and doing something for you on the stage in front of everyone.

Dee: Nah! I find it too cheesy.

Kr: you find everything cheesy. I already pity your future love.

They laughed together. Suddenly they heard someone clear their throat.

Voice: This is for you love!

Kriya and Dee at once understood who it was.

Dee: I guess your wish is heard Kriya!

Kriya remained silent.

Who do you think sang the song? What more twists and turns are left for Kriyansh to come together? Is there more trouble left?

And this update is especially for all those who thought I won't update today. Tadaa! I just did.

Also, I have my mid Terms going on so I was suppose to study. But I still updated. So I want you guys to pray that I rock this exam.

I'll be back next Monday with a new update. Vote, comment and follow me. Till then, live your life to the fullest. Bye 😘

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