Lost in the World of Dreams

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Once again Seraphina found herself alone, in the dark void she knew all too well. There were no cracks, like there would be in a cave, there were no source of light anywhere. Everything was just pitch black. But, once when Seraphina opened her pale green eyes they turned golden. Blinking once or twice, Seraphina squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head before noticing that the same yellow hue surrounded her body. Something heavy stuck to her back, but the strange part of it was the fact she felt as if she was used to having the strange weight. It brought Seraphina conflicting feelings.

Her eyes drifted off to the side and her fingers went to trace her lips. At the moment everything felt off about her body. This dream was far different from her last one. It felt as if her body wasn't even hers, like it was someone else's and that she was just borrowing it for a while. Do normal people feel like that as well? Perhaps she'll ask Luz about it when she wakes up. Waking up....Seraphina's eyes narrowed a bit as she remembered what had happened. At the moment, though, everything was a giant blur. She could only remember certain things, like the demons and her Dike. Dike....that name meant something, something important.

Changing her thoughts to something else Seraphina started to wonder if there was more to this place than just darkness. Taking one small step, caused something heavy to form around her ankle. Turning her gaze downwards, Seraphina saw a cuff form around her ankle and a chain leading all the way behind her. She couldn't see the ending to the chain. Her lips curving downwards a bit, Seraphina tried to take another step but as she did the chain straightened and pulled her foot backwards. She couldn't move.

Bending down her pale fingers picked up the chain, which was now loose. It seemed like it only pulled when she tried to walk. Clicking her teeth she dropped the chain and when it touched the ground there was a sound and it bounced a bit before settling down, cling, cling, cling. As soon as the sounds stopped the entire floor lit up. little ripples formed around her bare feet and Seraphina could see her own reflection now.

Bending down and sitting on her knees, Seraphina stared at her strange appearance. It was like she was staring at herself, but at the same time it wasn't even her. Her eyes had changed color and her blonde hair had turned silver. White wings sat on her back, tucked away, and her clothes...Her close consisted of a white tunic with a breast plate, shoulder armor and metallic heels. It was as if she was this strange goddess warrior, like she was a Valkyrie. Staring at her reflection she seemed so beautiful and graceful, unlike her she viewed herself in real life.

Reaching down she lightly touched the water and the image rippled away. For a long moment nothing appeared in the water. It felt like it was trying to figure what it wanted to show Seraphina. So, Seraphina sat there for a long time staring at nothing. She was just waiting to wake up now. Out of all her strange, occurring dreams, this was the strangest and the newest. Since she couldn't move, all she could do was wait until this was over.

Finally, when she was about to give up and force herself awake, the water around her began to glow. The glow shifted from golden, to neon, to indigo, and then to a faint pink. When the glow started to fade an image started to form. Seraphina stared at it with interest, something new.

The image was beautiful. A palace, what it appears to be inside a palace in fact. Pillars stretching from the floor to the, what seemed like, and endless ceiling. The floor appeared to marble and the coloring of the walls and pillars seemed to a pearl color. The floor had this beautiful crack design and the outlining of the cracks was a golden color. To the right was a humongous door that was ivory and golden. To left were three steps, the same color as the floor, that lead up to a huge curtain that draped down. You could see a shadow of a chair and the figure of someone sitting in it.

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