The Tiger Is Born

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Chapter 5

Artemis, now also known as 'Tigress', and Jason both entered the small motel room that Artemis had been made to call home. "Wow what a nice place you have here," Jason said sarcastically, a smirk growing on his face. Artemis rolled her eyes, tossing her mask and sword-in-sheath on the single bed. "There's some sandwiches in the fridge if you're hungry."

Jason's eyes widened at the mention of food, and threw open the fridge door, hungrily grabbing the two subs inside. "Well while you destroy that poor food," Artemis began, disgusted at how hungrily he devoured it, "I need to take a shower. If anyone knocks DON'T answer it."
"Will do," he replied almost inaudibly, food falling out of his mouth as he turned the television on.

Artemis turned her nose up at him as she turned towards the bathroom, grabbing a clean shirt and jeans on her way in. Jason had the television turned up so deafeningly loud it basically shook the entire motel room. She sighed, regretting her offer of letting him stay there.

She turned on the hot water, ready to settle down for the night.

--The Next Evening--

Tigress leaped down, landing straight on top of the scared-for-his-life thug. He shut his eyes in fear, holding his arms out. Tigress unsheathed her sword, holding the cold blade against his neck. "Where is Falcone hiding!" Red Hood yelled as he landed in front of them, pistols at the ready. "I don't know, I DON'T KNOW I SWEAR!" He yelled, his eyes almost filling with tears.

Red Hood walked up to him, as Tigress picked him up by the collar, slamming him into the wall of a building. "We won't. Ask. Again." She threatened. The thug was fearfully shaking so violently that she almost lost her grip on him. He threw his arms up again, "okay. Okay. I swear I don't know where he is. But I DO know where he could be. I heard some of the other guys talking about something at the waterfront. But that's all I know, I SWEAR!" Red hood slammed him in the head with the butt of his pistol, knocking the thug unconscious. "C'mon, let's go. We can get to the waterfront in ten minutes," Tigress commanded, her comrad following closely behind as they hopped onto his motorcycle.

"Uh, no. You're not driving," Red Hood stated as she began to climb on first. She shrugged, "why not?" He scoffed from underneath his mask. "Because its MY bike. And I don't trust anybody else driving it. That's why." She sat there, ignoring his wishes. "Well some things are going to have to change then," she replied, smirking as he reluctantly climbed aboard behind her.

They arrived at the docks within minutes, and just in time too. It seemed as though Falcone's men were packing up, in a hurry to leave for some reason. She needed to do this; to keep herself sane. "You want to do the honors?" Red Hood asked, as Tigress stepped off of the bike. She laughed, "of course." She scaled a shipping container, quickly and quietly, readying her sword as she peered over the edge, watching all of the men pack up. She stood up, ready to make her entrance.

She saw thirteen men, none of which were Falcone. Four of them had assault rifles. As she was about to leap down, one of them noticed her, pointing and yelling, "over there!"

She jumped down as bullets rained around her. She stabbed one man that tried to charge at her in the side, slicing another's leg. Two down, eleven to go. She rolled between shipping containers, dodging bullets. Red Hood fell down beside her, landing directly in between two containers, his fully-automatic pistols firing away towards the enemy.

Opposite firing seemed to quiet, followed by Red Hood yelling, "three more down!" He ducked behind the shipping container along with Tigress, who took his place out in the open. Eight left. She charged towards Falcone's goons, sword swinging violently as she closed in on them.

It all happened in a blur. There was blood. So much blood. Her sword was stained red. Screaming and yelling all around her as she killed every single one of the goons. "Falcone has to be inside," she said softly but firmly as Red Hood walked up behind her. He stayed silent as the both walked into the waterfront storage facility, ready to confront the crimelord that had been causing so much grief in the past weeks.

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