when she wears a Victoria Secret underwear

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the Wild Child's bodyguard •

"And the guy went whoosh!" I raise my fists in a punch for effect, "But I blocked his punch and did an uppercut, like this," and I do an upper slashing movement in the most dramatic fashion possible, "-and then there was a loud crack! and blood started gushing from his nose. And that, my beautiful fans, is how you KO a full grown man with a Swiss army knife." I look on to my eager audience triumphantly.

Their eyes widen, and they whoop loudly, adding to the noise of the already blaring music in the club. "That's our girl!" Jason yell, raising his shot up. Then he pause, apparently deciding that it isn't enough; he stands and climbs up the chair, "You hear that?" he calls out to the disco lights, "THAT'S OUR GIRL!"

I raise my own shot to his in return, an ecstatic grin on my face. Man, I sound like a hero to my own ears. I should seriously consider a career in the superhero industry. Kicking the badmen's asses like a whack-a-mole game. Lisa Kingsley, the badass kicker. Note the pun used.

"Then what happened to the villain?" Emma raises her voice over the music, almost shrill. Emma has the look of the sweetest girl ever. Her large caramel brown eyes are framed by her dirty blonde hair, which tumbles over her shoulders in perfect waterfall curls. Her emerald green party dress hugs her curves at all the right places, and her five inch heels makes up for her short frame.

"He ran off, babe!" I yell back, and wink at her, "Afterall, no male species can hold their ground after a hard kick to their junior best friend." the boys around the table -and on the table- visibly flinched. "With five-inch heels, no less." Lies. I mean the kicking-the-crouch part, never the five-inch heels. Five-inch heels, especially Chanel's, are to die for.

"O-M-G. Hun, you're officially my new hero!" gushes Jessica, her high pitched voice lost in the blaring music that was playing in the club. Yep, Lisa Kingsley, superhero extraordinaire.

"How do we know that you're not sprouting bullshit?" Connor laughs, the mischievous glint in his warm, chocolate eyes the usual thing that welcomes my hero ass.

I've known Connor for the longest time- way back before puberty hit him and gave him those ten-pack wonders as well as granting him magical football skills. He has this constantly tousled brown hair that sweeps across his forehead like bangs and he keeps it that way because apparently, 'it makes the ladies go wild'. I mentally snort. Not as if this guy can have a relationship that lasts longer than a night.

Another thing about him is that his warm chocolatey eyes are always filled with mischief. Like he can grin to your face and you won't be surprised if he had spread peanut butter all over your seat, or had placed a 'kiss me' sign behind your back. Trust me, I should know.

I proudly display my bandaged arm. "Well, Captain Football, are these evidence enough?"

Cue for the loud round of whoops again! Cue for the loud cheers of 'Liz, you go girl!' and 'Kick ass, baby!'

"Well, we're glad you're alright, best friend," Connor winks and raises his glass. I know he's being sincere; he was the first to ask if I was okay.

"And I'm the gladdest!" Jason yells again over the music, wobbling on the table like an unsteady ballerina.

Around the table, everyone rolls their eyes.

"Hey! I can see that!" Jason wobbles again, "The view up here is fantas- ouch! I think I hit the ceiling- oh wait, no, what's this- Connor, did you just throw a football at me?"

Where did that football come from?

Connor grins at Jason as he twirls another football on his index finger, "I don't know, why don't you come down here and find out?"

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