They're powerpuff girls compared to us

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the Wild Child's bodyguard •

There's two seconds of the term 'uneventful' right after History class ends before Bella Barton pounces on Ryder.

Yes, she pounces faster than me. The nerve, right?

She's right behind me so I can hear every single word; how convenient.

"Hey," her voice is high pitched, almost nasal to my ears. "I'm Bella."

Then his voice, with a tinge of British, "And if you still remember, I'm Ryder."

She gives a girlish laugh, something that girls do to act cute- unfortunately, the skill is lost on her. If you ask me, she sounds like one strangled banshee. "Don't worry. I tend to remember the names of cute guys, Ryder."

Connor and I make eye contact and at the same time, we make a show of dramatic gagging. Gosh, I love my best friend.

I can hear Ryder resume packing his books into his bag. "Thanks," I have to bite back my laughter. Thanks? That's all he could say? Usually when Bella hits on a guy, their response would at least be a 'you're not too bad yourself!' Ask half of the football team. They would know.

"So..." I hear Bella trail off. The shuffling sound of books stop and I can picture her placing her hand atop Ryder's, "Since you're new here, I figure I should give you one very important advice."

The shuffling sound of books continue. Ryder must have pushed her hand away. "Really? And what might that be?"

I don't hear her answer- she must have leaned in and whispered into his ear. Something seductive, I'm sure. It is, after all, Bella Barton, the bitchy Barbie. Alliteration not intended.

Then I hear her breathy whisper, and I can imagine her trailing her finger down his muscled chest, "-so if you need anything, and I mean anything at all..." a pause, like she's batting her eyelashes, "Hit me up."

Next to me, Connor fans himself and bats his eyelashes while mouthing, "hit me up". I stifle a giggle.

Behind me, Ryder's deep voice sounds strained, as if his patience is running thin. "Yeah, sure. Anything else you need?"

"You mean besides your number?" Oh, she definitely winked here.

"Yeah, besides that." he replies blankly. I don't hear any attempt from him to write anything down.

"Um..." Bella sounds dumbfounded, probably because none of her advances had encountered resistance before, I can't blame her. Grudgingly, I have to admit that she's hot, with her long, straight red hair, curvy body and bright green eyes framed with lashes that seem to go on forever... "Hey- hey what are you-"

"Hey, Gina, wait up." Ryder calls out. It is then I turn my attention to the front, where the nerd is trying to get out of class unseen. She turns and it's obvious that her small face is turning into a huge tomato. Her eyes behind her huge, rectangular glasses are panicky as she meets his eyes, seeming to scream do you have a death wish?

Apparently he has. The death of his social reputation.

Ryder brushes past me without giving me a second glance. Everyone freezes what they're doing to stare at him. He glares at each and every one of them in his way and I can see that the bystanders stand no chance- they look away. I think some guy pissed himself. Ryder doesn't even have to shove past them, they part the way for him as if he were Moses and they were the Red Sea.

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