Chapter 6

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⚠ Trigger warning ⚠
Abuse, mentions of abuse, Violence, death
*your POV*

When I get back, Wes walks me to my door.
"I had fun tonight" I say.
"I did too." he says, kissing my forehead.
I look at him and smile.
"You know you can come in if you want"
"No, it's getting late. We need our sleep. "
I look at my phone. It's midnight.
I drag him into your apartment.
"Wesley, I'm not letting you drive. It's late your staying here." I say, throwing him a pair of smosh joggers you had bought prior to your move to LA. "I ordered the wrong size and I couldn't afford more until I moved here." He went to the bathroom and changed. He came out without a shirt on. "Sorry I don't have a shirt."
"It's fine. I usually sleep without a shirt anyway"
"Just before you try to, I'm not letting you sleep on the couch. You're sleeping in my bed with me." He agrees and follow me to my room.
"I'm not gonna try anything." he reassures me.
"I know. That's why I'm letting you in my bed."
I lay down, facing away from him. Just as I'm about to fall asleep, I feel his arm around wrap around my waist. It startles me, waking me up.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," he says, kissing the back of my neck. I roll over to face him and snuggle closer into his chest.
"It's fine." I respond before quickly falling asleep. The dream I have is not a good one. I see my ex, Steven. He was abusive, emotionally and physically. He cheated on me on multiple occasions. Anytime I would try to confront him he would slap you. He did the same when I refused to have sex with him. In the dream, Steven is chasing me around my apartment complex, my samurai sword in hand. (you collect this kind of stuff)
"Give me what I came for you fucking slut" he screamed. "You thought I would let you go that easily? You really are a dumb whore." I somehow get away, finding Wes in the process. I run into his arms. I step back and explain what had happened. that's when I see the sword come through his chest. He falls as Steven removes the sword. "You don't deserve happiness. You're a worthless whore. All you deserve is misery." I wake up, tears streaming down my face. I look over to see Wes is asleep, completely fine. I start crying harder, waking Wes up.

*wes pov*

I wake up to see (y/n) crying and shaking.
"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" I say, pulling her closer to me.
"I-i" she stutters. "I n-need to tell you something."
"Okay, " I say confused.
"For about a year and a half, I was in a very toxic and abusive relationship with a guy named Steven. He would hit me or call me awful things like worthless and useless whenever I confronted him about cheating or if I refused to have sex with him. Which was a lot considering I'm still a virgin." Tears begin forming in my eyes. I've can't imagine how anyone could ever do this to someone as perfect as (y/n). "I eventually start to believe him." she says rolling up her sleeves and pant legs, showing scars up and down her arms and legs. "Half of these are Steven. The other half are me." I feel the tears roll down my cheek. "I never wanted to die" she says after a few moments of silence. "I just.. I just wanted pain that I could control for once. I thought he couldn't hurt me as bad as I could hurt myself so I beat him too it" she says starting to cry again. "We only broke up because he supposedly found another girl and he said he was done. I took that chance to get out." she buries her head in my chest. "In my dream, he found me. And he killed you. I had no power to save you and I felt truly useless" I kissed the top of her head.
"You are not worthless. You're worth so much to me. You are perfect, you are beautiful, inside and out. Don't ever think otherwise." I say. We lay back down and soon after she falls asleep again. I know I haven't known her for long but it feels like I've known her my whole life. I love this woman.

~Ooo a dark backstory for you. Is this foreshadowing or just a filler chapter? Ooooo. (I actually haven't decided yet so your guess is as good as mine) Sorry if you didn't want that. I just felt the story was getting boring but I didn't want to quit so I spiced it up. Let me know what you guys think!~

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