Chapter 5: love at first sight

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Aaaand there'll be ROMANCE!!(My fave author voted)


Emy's POV

I got out then went for a walk, then I put my earphones then play a music in my phone called 'Five Nights At Freddy's'(IDK What song and first song popped in my mind) I listened to it and closed my eyes then start walking, the song almost ended though I tripped BUT....

Someone caught me,though I didn't expect that, so I closed my eyes and wait for the hard ground to hit me,but nope,I was caught by someone's arms, no a GUY'S arm,not my brother though, I open my eyes and someone meet my brown eyes, I looked at him and observed that he has black hair, and brown eyes, he was wearing a blue sweater and black jeans, though one thing that caught my attention is he was cute'Wait! EMY WHAT THE HELL ARE YA THINKING! YOU JUST SAW HIM!!' I thought then, stood up and dust myself and look at him, though, I was blushing!?!? "Uhhh... Hi! M-my name is uhh... Emy!" I stuttered, taking my hand out so that he can shake it, then he gladly shake it and "Hi! The names uhh... Lance (sorry! It's my crush!)," Lance said, "N-nice ta meet 'ya!" He said "Nice to meet you too, and thanks..." i said giving him a warm smile, and he smiled back "heh... you're welcome..." he said "huh? OH NO I HAVE TO GO HOME!!" I said checking the time "oh... bye then!" He said "BYE!!" I said, then ran off to home.

Lance's POV (did not see that coming eh?)

When I was taking a walking I saw a girl in the distance, until it came closer, I noticed she was listening to music and closed eyes, then she tripped on a rock, but I caught her in my arms, I realized she was wearing a grey sweater with a heart on it and black pants, what caught me the most was she was cute! 'Wait... LANCE! WHAT THE HELL!! YOU JUST MET HER!!!' I thought, then she starts breaking the silence "Uhhh... Hi! M-my name is uhh... Emy!" Emy said,taking her hand out for me to shake it, and I gladly shook it, "Hi! The names uhh... Lance," I stuttered "N-nice ta meet 'ya!" I stuttered AGAIN 'STOP STUTTERING LANCE!!!" "Nice to meet you too, and thanks..." Emy said giving me a warm smile, and I smile back "heh... you're welcome..." I said, then she looked at the time "huh? OH NO I HAVE TO GO HOME!!" Emy said "oh... bye then!" I said "BYE!!" She said, and I just stood there BLUSHING!! 'Wait... AM I BLUSHING?!?!?! STAHP IT LANCE!! AND YOU JUST MET HER!!! MY GOD!!!' I thought, and she left, then I left too, I went to my house with my friends, Angelo, Marian, Nash, Though my other friends are hanging out "Hi Lance! Hooow was your daay???" Said Angelo, "It seems you met SOMEONE,heeheehee..." Said Nash while snickering "W-What do you mean?!?!" I said with a surprised and confused look"You're BLUSHING and smiling WIDELY... THAT is UNUSUAL..." said Nash with a wide grin on his face, "eheheheheh..." I replied, laughing nervously "SOOO... What is it Lancey-Wancey(😏)?" Said Marian with a smirk on her face "Uhhh..." I said sweating, (oh, and BTW, Lance doesn't live in the forest just near, I guess Emy went a little far) "FINE!! I met this girl... and she's cute... and I guess I fall in l-love with her..." I said making every word in a whisper "Oh... My... GOSH!!! What's her name?! Why does she looks like?! How does she talk?! Oh! Oh! Does she like cupcakes?!" Said Marian in one breath, wait what? "How do you like that girl Angel?" I whispered to Angelo "STOP IT WITH THE NICKNAME! And I don't care if she acts like that, she's still perfect to me!" Angel whisper-yell at me, then we look at Marian, who was also looking at us "Ummm... LATER!!" I said walki- I mean running out of the room  and off to my own room and take a nap to have a nice relax...


Hi!! Sorry for the late post, it's just I been grounded for no-phone-for-1-month thing... so yeah! Sorry if it's still short! I only got the time to use my phone or secretly using it, an dreading books, and updating (which is rarely), so sorry!! But i got to update!! YAY(not yay)! So yah... BAI!!

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