High School Not So Sweetheart ch.14

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Just as Logan suggested yesterday, we headed to the mall the next day. There wasn't too much to do where we lived, so we simply decided to conform to the rest of the teenage population and spend time doing nothing at the mall. 

However, no matter how sick I was of hanging out at the mall, I sure wasn't sick of spending some quality time with my cousins, even if that meant Tristan would tag along too.  

"Loggy!" someone shrieked. I immediately recognized where that shriek came from and cringed at the sight I turned around to. 

"Hey, babe," Logan said-barely-since Flemmy had nearly tackled him by kissing him. I'm sure my face revealed how thoroughly disgusted I was. 

Once she proceeded to basically make-out with my cousin, I decided to take that moment to make my exit. There was no way I was going to wait around until they were done, especially since Flemmy's materialistic friends were waiting for her. 

"I'll be...anywhere else. C'mon, guys," I said, grabbing Andie and Morgan's arms. 

"Sorry, Lex, we're done," Logan said in an effort to keep me from leaving. I was still going to leave, but Flemmy chose that moment to actually talk to me. 

"Oh, you're back, Alexis!" she exclaimed, acting as if she was glad to see me. I rolled my eyes at her, noting that she used my full first name to try to anger me. I never preferred being called Alexis, but I wasn't about to fight her over it either. Though it would be an easy fight to win... 

"Yeah, I am," I replied in a dull tone. 

"I thought you were leaving permanently?" she asked. I stared back at her for a moment, wondering how the hell Logan couldn't see that her smile was obviously fake and her eyes were sending daggers at me. 

"Well, I did, but then I missed your fake blonde hair and horrible tan so much that I decided to move back, so here I am!" She gaped at me, while everyone tried covering their smiles and chuckles at my surprising answer. Other than Flemmy's friends, Logan was the only one who didn't look too happy about what I said. Oh well. 

Flemmy let out a forced giggle. "Oh Alexis, you're so hilarious! Hey, let's take a short walk," she said, pushing me away from everyone else. Once we were farther from them, her fake smile was replaced with an evil one. 

"I'm sure the only reason you came back was to finish you're absurd dating game, am I right?" she asked harshly. I narrowed my eyes at her, mentally cursing Logan yet again for telling her about my goal. 

Before I could answer her question, she continued. "Obviously you're never going to find someone who'd actually want to be with a loser like you. Seriously, just look at you. You're not pretty, you're not popular like me, and you have no friends other than the few over there," she snapped, sending a quick smile toward Logan. "I mean, I'm surprised your mother was able to find someone to marry because she's probably just as ugly as you. Then again, there's still time for him to divorce her just like your father did." 

My blank face suddenly turned to a menacing one. I could happily ignore her usual comments about my appearance and social life; my family is another story. Therefore, I was unable to hold back from beating the crap out of her. 

"You bitch!" I shouted, causing a scene in the middle of the food court once I starting hitting her. As we both tumbled to the ground, I knew got a few good digs in her while she pulled my hair and tried scratching me with her talons. 

The fight didn't last as long as I would've liked because Logan quickly pulled her away, while someone else pulled me away. The only one strong enough, other than Logan, was Tristan, so I knew he was the one trying to keep me from putting the blonde witch in the hospital. 

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