It was one of those moments when time escaped by his hands like water dripping through fingers, slowly and subtlety. The moment he paid attention, it has already been vanished. Indeed, a conspiracy of time. Like you have been dreaming the whole time and suddenly someone wakes you up, and you move on with life without ever introspecting the glimpses of your grandeur dream.
That shoulder which once abode her forehead is now weighed by an uncertain future. Her smell is no longer in the air which once rejoiced the atmosphere. His thumb which once fondled her lips now stumbles across her name in the phonebook, she is a dial away yet too far! The gaps between his fingers which once locked hers is now locked with his own in Prayers. Times when their hearts pounded in rhythm, their faces inches away, as she breathed in what he breathed out and he breathed in what she breathed out.... now cease to exist! His warm breath which once caressed her face now sighs in Hope; Hope that tomorrow may bring with it a prosperous evening where they smile and laugh, laugh and smile, play and run, run and play; that it will be alright; that their reign is yet to begin.
The turmoil in his heart could only be silenced with love, for without love we humans are like fleet without compass. Lost and wrecked.
The rim of his eyes beholds a passionate love for her and his lashes decorated like a Christmas tree with optimistic dreams of their future. If he is the poet then she is his sheer poetry. Indeed, Love is the mightiest emotion of all. It drives him to the realm of blissfulness and elevates his soul to the epitome of tranquillity.
So, despite all the heavy rain and hailstorm, all these bolts of lightning, all these ifs and buts, against all these odds, a voice from the deep bottom of his heart echoes,
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