broken trust

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Mika was sitting alone in the huge library of the mansion, smells of old books and dust present as no one bothered coming here anymore. But the library was Mikaela's escape place as he was lost in books and endless knowledge. He always loved books and even now as a vampire he still liked to hang out in the library; a feeling of nostalgia for what he lost, in the air

Yuu knocked on the door and entered, not expecting an answer

He gave Mika a guilty look
"I knew I'd find you here"

Mika did not answer.
Not because he didn't want to forgive Yuu-chan but because the smell of his blood and the sound of his heartbeat suddenly filled the room. Mika knew what that meant; he didn't feed for way too long...but he didn't want to ask that of Yuu-chan right now and was afraid that if he tried to speak, those words would accidentally escape his mouth

"Erm what are you reading?"

still no answer...

"Okay.." Yuu continued talking, "You never actually told me but where did you learn how to read so well?"

There was silence for a while but then Mika decided to speak

"I learned English, French and Japanese from the vampires...Krul couldn't keep an uneducated pet around after all" Mika's voice was sharp and Yuu instantly regretted asking that question; he did not want to add more wood to the fire

"Mika I'm sorry, I'm really sorry... I didn't know you couldn't do anything about it...I should've known you didn't actually want to be called a pet especially in front of your friends"

"First of all they are not my friends but I can tolerate them. Second, we shouldn't stay in Ferid's mansion with the vampires any longer cause they only view your human friends merely as livestock"

Yuu realised that even when sad, angry and confused, Mika still cared about the others and tried to look uninterested for the sake of not getting close to anyone and getting hurt again. But the word 'livestock' always triggered something in Yuu that made him really mad and couldn't understand why, especially coming from a vampire even if that vampire was Mika

"and you Mika? Do you also view them as livestock? Do you view me as livestock?" the words were escaping Yuu's mouth unintentionally but he couldn't stop

"That's not-"

"Are you just like the other vampires? I thought you knew how it feels to be livestock considering you were one not so long ago"

"Yuu-chan I didn't-"

"Did the fact that you got chosen by the queen look good to you? Do you feel far superior to us, is that it? Do you only keep me around for my nice blood as I'm only livestock to you?"

Yuu finally stopped talking and when he looked at Mika he looked more broken that ever..His only family had just called him a common vampire that only cares about blood, what he hated himself for all this time. Mika's eyes lost their coldness, finally revealing what was hiding underneath the cold vampire's mask; a scared 16 year old boy that lost everything, only grief and sadness present in his eyes. His eyes looked human. He looked so venerable it broke Yuuichirou. He knew he hurt his best friend more than he ever wanted to hurt anyone

"How..." Mika started talking, his voice cracking while trying to hold back tears.."how could you ever think that of me? I thought out of all people in the world you'd understand. You'd understand how it feels to be livestock and losing your whole family and that i'd NEVER regard someone like that"

Mika's sadness suddenly turned into anger

"Sorry if you don't like a filthy vampire drinking your blood
Yuu-CHAN considering you are
the one who made them need it in the
first place" Mika's words hurt but they were true. Yuu forced him to drink human blood back in Nagoya, making him a full vampire needing human blood to survive

It was his fault Mika was hurt right now and he could not do anything about it. That was Yuu's worse fear; not being able to help his family when they were in pain...but Mika's pain was his fault. Why did he always get so triggered by the word 'livestock'?

Mika's words turned into sadness again, with envy for what he could never have, breaking Yuu's heart.

"Yuu-chan you wouldn't understand... what loneliness is... You've always been surrounded by friends whether that was me, Guren or shinoa and the others. I ,on the other hand, have been alone with only vampires for 4 years. I hate it, I hate it so much but I talk, dress and look like them too, I can't help it"

"It's okay Mika I'm not blaming you, I don't even know what set me off! please forgive me"

Mika continued, as if he didn't even hear Yuu taking, his voice becoming gentle but full of pain
"Sorry then, for being a vampire. I don't like it either you know? Every time I crave human blood I hate myself even more but still...I had you supporting me and I thought that even if the whole world was against me as long as I had you I was okay. As long as you viewed me as family no matter what I was, I was fine...but apparently it was all an act. You hated me just as much as anyone else; at least you revealed what you truly think about your nasty bloodsucker friend now..."

"Mika! I didn't mean any of it and you know it!" said Yuu but it was too late now...Mika's heart had already shattered into pieces

"get out..."


"GET OUT" Mika shouted, quickly grabbing Yuu by the collar of his shirt, lifting him up and throwing him out of the library. Was Mika always that strong? Yuu never noticed but now he finally realised why. It was because he tried to be equal with everyone else, because he hated being a vampire and having an advantage, because he didn't want everyone to be afraid of him.. Gosh why did he have to be so dense and stupid. He hurt Mika, his family, and didn't know if he could fix what he broke. The door to the library was now closed and even if they were only separated by a door, even if they were so close...they were still so far apart


Mika didn't know why he threw Yuu out of the library. Was it because he was mad at him or because he couldn't control himself around blood anymore? Knowing himself probably both. Although he pretended not to care, although he was mad he still cared about those around him. Maybe he should just spare Yuu the trouble and leave together with Krul? Yes...he'd help Yuu turn back into human and then he'd go. Everyone would be happier without him anyway...Yuu had a new family and he wasn't part of it anymore, he moved on..and so should Mika


these last 2 chapters were pretty long (1000+ words each) and I'm kinda satisfied with them (could've done better)...Anyway school is starting in a week so I'm making lots of chapters now to release later when I don't have time to write 😂 (wanted to make this longer but it's 00:35 and I'm pretty sleepy)
Next chapter sneak peak:

"crowley is your head feeling better? I heard you had a headache and came to check on you~"

"My head was literally cut off you huge pile of shit" Crowley barked back at Ferid

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know it was such a delicate issue~" replied Ferid with a shit-eating grin on his face

"What am I gonna do with you?" sighed Crowley

"I heard our human friends are talking to Krul~ wanna have some fun?"

"I'm honestly scared about your definition of fun...but i dont see why not"

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ it's not quite ready yet but I'm working on it


ok that's all goodbye 😂😊

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