Confession time! -or not?

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"soo what you are saying is that you like Mika?"

"No! I mean...not just like, I can't explain it 'cause I never experienced it before but...I've fallen for him
- and hard."

"so you are saying you love Mika?"

"I'm saying I don't know! I've never felt this way before."

Shinoa sighed. They weren't getting anywhere with this.

"Did you start feeling like this recently or- ?" Mitsuba interupted

they were all gathered in the living room -except for Mika ofcourse- after Yuu assembled them there. He needed to understand his feelings for Mika although he already had a pretty vague idea of what they were - he just needed to admit it to himself. With the help of his friends ofcourse

"I think i kinda always felt this way about him except that losing him for a third time made me realise how much I really need him, it's not just a crush. I think I really do love him after all...I'm like darkness and he's the light that guides me. I'm drawn to that light and can't live without it...there I said it! I can't live without Mika! I love him too damn much for that," Yuu confessed

"Yuu-kun I never knew your feeling were that intense," Yoichi stated

"I still think you should just confess to him," Kimizuki added

"It's not that easy...I kind of tried to this morning but Mika kept missing the point," Yuu replied

"What do you mean?" asked Mitsuba full of curiosity

"Mika!" Yuu called out to him

"Is something the matter, Yuu-chan?"

"Well, umm, there is something I kind of -um not kind of but like actually want to tell y-you," Yuu managed to say; he didn't practise so much in order for everything to be in vain. He was gonna tell Mika now! He wasn't sure Mika even loved him back and he didn't even know if what he was feeling was love but he had to at least try

"Ofcourse, always happy to spend time with my idiot of a  friend," Mika replied

Friend...Yuu thought but there was no time to dwell on that

"Would you like to talk to me while grabbing some breakfast?" Mika asked Yuu. He eyed him carefully, something looked a bit off about Yuu today -not that he spent too much time observing Yuu-chan or anything...

"Sure! Erm, would you like some breakfast?" Yuu asked Mika careful not to blow his cover

"Not really, thanks for the offer anyways, Yuu-chan"

Yuu loved the nickname Mika had given him. He would like to listen to Mika saying it all day; it made him feel special, like he shared another type of bond with Mika than the others

"Mika, I've been meaning to say, thanks for always being by my side"

"We'll all be by your side whenever you need us," Mika told Yuu

"Yeah but like I wanna thank you specifically for also accepting me for who I am and I wanted to say that I...I-"

"It's okay Yuu-chan I understand what you are trying to say..." Mika interrupted

"REALLY?" Yuu spit, he was glad he didn't need to go through the pain of confessing if Mika already got what he was trying to say -oh how very wrong he was

"Yeah. I am grateful for you accepting me as well," Mika said with a smile on his face

As much as Yuu loved looking at Mika smiling, this time it was just dreadful

"Hahahhaha, so that's what happened!" Shinoa exclaimed

"wow, either he's really dense or he really doesn't like you back," Kimizuki muttered

"That's not even the worst part...when I mastered the courage to say: 'Mika, what I've been meaning to tell you is that I love you!', he looked at me totally dumbfounded and then proceeded to laugh and say 'Yuu-chan since when have you become so affectionate? I suppose I need to get used to it since it's your new family thing', can you believe him?" Yuu uttered in total disbelief

"I think you need to make it extremely simple for him to get what you are trying to say...just tell him, Mika, I am romantically interested it you and would like to bang you when I have the chance," Shinoa replied

"There's no way in hell he's doing that! That's just dumb!" Mitsuba yelled

"Why~? I find it really plain and simple, just how Mika-san likes it~,"

"Oh shut up you gnome," Kimizuki shouted back at her

"Yuu-kun," Yoichi spoke up ignoring the others,"I think that as long as it comes from your heart Mika will get the message! I believe in you, Yuu-kun!"

"Trust Yoichi to fix you up," Shinoa butted in the conversation.Again.

"That's actually a pretty good idea, I'll try it. Thanks Yoichi!" Yuu replied and left, running to Mika

On his way to him, Yuu told himself:
"I'm definitely gonna do this!"

Well, he did do it but definately not how Yuu would ever expect his first confession to play out.

Sorry for the long wait but here it is!
I know, this was an extremely short chapter but i felt like I needed to cut it here in order to leave the confession a whole chapter to itself! The last sentence is a kind of a "Next on" if u get what I mean.

Also, this story is coming to an end, with 2 chapters left at most! It's actually my longest story so far although I don't rlly write short stories in general so I'm proud of that 😂

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