1. My perfect familly

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Greetings, I am Nina.
I live for with my parents and my little sister, in the Alpha dimension.
Daddy is a professor and mommy is a mother at home, as for my sister she is only four !
Me ? I am eight, and my father is my teacher.

School is cool ! We learn how to read, how to count, our history and even magic !
What ? How that, "magic does not exist" ?! Of courses it does, but you, humans, forgets about it.
Hybrids, Humans and Monsters magic are way differents : Humans magic are tactical and changes in function of the color of the soul (who is an hearth), who change in function of the representation of this one :

Exemples :

White = Simplicity = Nothing (only humans have this one)

Green = Kindness = Can heal and also create a barrier (sort of)

Blue = Integrity = Can teleport and use telekinesis

Azur = Patient = Can create attack that can evitate only by staying still !!

Purple = Perseverance = I don't really understand this one but it's some kind of clever thing.

Yellow = Justice = You can shout bullets from your soul !! Badass !

Orange = Bravery = Same as patient but can be evitate only by moving !


For monsters, the magic change in function of the "race" of the monster in particular, since all the souls are a whithe upside-down hearth.

Exemple :

Bones for skeletons !

What about the Hybrids ?
Well their soul are half human, half monster, so their magic depends on this...

Exemple :

Me ! Half kindness, half skeleton ! Like daddy !

Books says there is other kind of magic but I did not learn them yet.
Since we are Hybrids we have two forms ! And two minds ?
I can be a human or a skeleton ! Cool right ?

Hm ? Ha yes I mentionned "Alpha dimension" right ?
Well you sure ask what that's mean ?
That's mean that Hybrids does not live on the same dimension as monsters and humans, adults say it's for watch over them better, but I would liked to see other races !
It's not fair ! Humans and Monsters live together !
Anyway. There are other dimensions too !
Time's dimension and Space's dimension.
Hybrids have to protect them in case someone want to play with it, but I don't think the Monsters or the Humans could possibly go that far from their planet !
Maybe adults hide us some things ? Like other races very dangerous !! How exciting ! ...No ?

School may be cool, but not as cool as my familly !
Daddy is really clever and strong, he is in the Delta gard with his twin, my uncle.
Mommy is beautiful and loving, every evening, before we go to bed she sing how much she like her two stars... that's me and Chara of courses !
Chara is cute and innocent, she follow me everywhere and cry when I go to school, we like to play in the golden flower's field next to our home.
I love them all so much !
For my last birthday, my parents made me a cool scarf !
I look so cool when I have it !
When I have the scarf arround my neck, there is always a protruding end, and Chara like to take a tip of it, like that, she follow me everywhere more easely ! She is cute, right ?
I want to stay like that forever...

But forever is very short.

One day, we learn that Humans had began a war with Monsters.
Fourteen Hybrids had to go and make peace again.
Daddy was one of them.
Mommy didn't told me any of this, I discovered it myself.
And one morning, people came to search my father for going to the war.
-Where are you going ?
My parent blenched and tried to find their words.
-What are doing up so early dear ? Go to your bed... Said my mother.
-Chara waked me up, she was crying... Where are you going daddy ?
He seemed embarrassed and mom couldn't hide her tears anymore :
-I go find your sister.
She ran upstairs as far as she could, certainly for not letting me see her sadness.
Dad did his sad smile and approach me.
He knelt and put his hands on my shoulders.
-Daddy have to go to a very important work. I don't know when I will come back, but I want you to take care of your sister and your mother while I'm not here, can you promise me to do that ?
I nodded, trying to hold my tears back.
-Come here, he said, ...be strong sweetie.
I cried, I knew dad was taking a huge risk for going to the original dimension and he could maybe never go back.
Chara was in mother's arms, feeling that something was wrong, she was already sobbing.
Someone knoked at the door
-Delta gard ! We come find...
-I'm coming ! Said Dad.
I followed him with mother.
He talked a little with the two men who were waiting for him, then turned to us :
-I have to go now.
He kissed the baby on the forehead, then he kissed his wife before turning to me.
-Don't forget our promise huh ?
I hugged him.
I always felt strong in his arms, but right now I was feeling so weak.
He pat my head, and turned arround.
We watched him walked away, but I couldn't let him go !
-Dadyyy !! I screamed and ran.
My mother tried to hold me back, but she failed because of Chara in her arms.
He turned back and I jumped on him.
The men who were with daddy weren't annoyed ; they found this cute, but they had to go.
-Yes, sorry... I will be back soon my angel.
I found the strength to smile when he turned arround for the second time.
The strenght to smile when my mother's tears fell on me.
The strenght to smile when I couldn't saw him anymore.
Then, I cried.

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