explanation done

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hola hola~~ its the author here.

so ive come to make a few things clear.

yes jhope was the killer. i know, the bright sunshine being the killer? tch.

i wanted to turn things a little and make jhope dark.

anyways let me explain. 

you know when in the first chapter it said a wind blew out of nowhere? yeah, that wind was the supposed entity named satan. it engulfed into jhope and turned him dark and murderous. jhope didn't know that he was doing all the killing. but he did want to kill all his friends. he couldnt do it.


how jungkook died is, he was choked to death. jhope got up in the middle of the night and choked him.


namjoon was hung.  i didnt write it in the story but namjoon was given a mental pill by jhope. it made him go crazy and he hung himself.


yoongi was stabbed as he went out the window

the rest-

they were all stabbed by jhope in the hospital during the blackout.

jimin knew jhope was the killer, he was just scared to tell everyone because he thought he would get killed. thats why he disappeared from jhopes side.

the gold key chain was jhopes. he dropped his way before the story started. and jimin found it. he put it on his pants. 

oh and the gun that jimin found, he found it on the street and he was going to return it to the gun shop near by him. 

i think that is all~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i cant be bothered to look back at the other chapters. if there is something that you dont understand, please comment and i will answer the questions.

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