February 1

15 5 0

Caroline Jessica Monty

-February 1-Wednesday- Old friends return

  I woke up at eight in Annette's room, tired from the previous two days. We were excused from school for the rest of the week. Annette was starting to wake up so I went into the restroom and got dressed. I put on jeans, t shirt, and converse. My hair is to short to do anything with it, unlike Annette's. her hair is so beautiful and flowing. I walked back into Annette's room. She was sitting on her bed with a secretive smile. I said,"what are you grinning about?" She said," oh! I can't hold it in anymore! Lucas kissed me!" She covered her mouth like she was going to burst. I smiled and said," yuck, but I'm glad for you." She smiled then got up to get dressed. I went downstairs. I heard Lucas talking to someone in the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen. Lucas was sitting at the bar with someone. When I saw who it was I squealed. It was Conner Jokily! He turned around and stood up. I ran up to him and hugged him. Conner's family moved to Richmond Virginia two years ago because their dad got a job there. My best friend Odette is his little sister. Conner stayed up here to finish high school then start college. This is his freshman year of college. He's like my older brother. I haven't seen him much since he started college. And I haven't seen Odette in two years. I let go of Conner. He is the only person, beside Annette now, that knows of our living conditions. Conner sat back down and pulled me towards him. He rapped his arm around my waist. He said," Lucas told me about everything that happened. Are you okay Cj?" That was his pet name for me. I smiled and said,"I still have a headache from when the guy backhanded me, but otherwise I'm fine. How have you been? And how's your family?" Conner said," I'm glad your okay... my parents died in a car crash with my aunt. The one I was staying with to finish high school. She was visiting them. I'm renting the apartment next to you two, actually. Odette is sleeping over there right now." I said,"Oh I'm so sorry!" He said,"I am too... but I know there in heaven... I came by to talk to you two about maybe Odette moving in with you and Lucas moving in with me. My cousin is also moving in with me... since I'll be his guardian. Y'all will have your space and we'll have ours, but we'll still be close enough since I'm Odette's guardian too. What do you think, Cj?" I said,"oh I love it! It's perfect!" Annette walked in and hugged Lucas. Lucas said,"Annette meet Conner a very good friend of mine. Conner meet my girlfriend, Annette." Conner shook Annette's hand. She glanced at Conners arm around my waist. Lucas said,"We have to go in a few minutes, A." Annette said,"okay." Tyler and Annette's mom walked in. I said," Mr. and mrs. Smithson meet Conner. He's been like a brother to Lucas and I." The three of them shook hands. Conner said,"I am sorry to intrude upon you. I just wanted to speak with Lucas and Caroline. I'll be going." Annette's mom said,"oh, it's alright. You don't have to go. You can stay for breakfast." Conner said,"I appreciate the invitation, but my little sister is at home waiting on me." Lucas said," can we catch a ride with you, Conner? My car is at school." Conner said," of course, I'll drop you off at the school to get your car." Lucas and I hugged Annette goodbye. We went outside to Conner's car. He had a white mustang. I hopped in the back seat. Lucas rode shotgun. When we got to the school Lucas hopped out and drove away. I got in the front seat and rode the rest of the way with Conner. I said,"so do you still think of me as a child?" Conner reached over and held my hand as he drove. He said,"you've always been like a little sister to me, Cj...But I haven't seen you as a child in quite a while. I mean you will be sixteen in two weeks." I smiled and said," you remember when  my birthday is!" He laughed and said," course! Especially after your tenth birthday. You were mad at me for at least a week!" I laughed and said," gosh. Bring that up, why don't you!" After a moment I said,"so your cousin is moving in? I don't think I've met him." Conner said," yeah. " I said," tell me about him." Conner said,"he's my cousin on my dads side. Means his last name is Jokily. His full name is Alexander David Jokily. He's finishing up his junior year this year. He's going to go to your high school. He looks like me, but... different." Conner was blond with high cheek bones and was really cute. I said,"different how?" Conner glanced at me as he held my hand and drove. He said,"well, his hair is dirty blond and comes to just above his shoulders. He looks like me in the face, so much so we could be twins, but that's where the similarities start and end. He's not goth. But... he only wears black. He's very quiet. He doesn't talk much. He literally works out for four hours a day. The guy is scary to be honest. He's taller then I am, by at least two inches." I nodded. When we got to the apartments Lucas was already there waiting on us. We got out of the car and walked to the apartment doors. Odette came out of the apartment next to ours. I hugged her. We told her our plans about her moving in with me and Lucas moving in with Conner. We started transferring stuff from one apartment to the other. We finished around two o'clock. Conner and Lucas went to get pizza while Odette and I caught up in the guy's apartment. I told her about everything that has happened since she left. After a few minutes the door was being unlocked and someone I've never met walked in with some luggage. I was startled. Was this Alexander? Odette said,"hey Xander. The guys went to get pizza. This is my roomie, Caroline. But Conner calls her CJ. Your bedroom is the first one." He nodded and went into the first bedroom. This apartment had three bedrooms instead of two. Xander was scary looking. He was wearing black leather clothes, had muscles bulging everywhere, had a piercing in one ear, and was super tall. I said quietly ,"wow. He's scary." Odette said,"yeah he's always scared me just a bit." Lucas and Conner walked in with two pizzas. We started to eat when Xander came out of his room. Conner introduced Lucas and Xander. Conner said,"Xander, this is Lucas and you probably already met CJ, Lucas's sister." He nodded and bit a large chunk out of his pizza. Conner was on one side of me and Lucas was on the other side. Odette sat next to Conner. Leaving Xander between Odette and Lucas. I was about to bight into my pizza when Conner grabbed my wrist and pushed the pizza into his mouth. I slapped his arm in a playful manner and said,"I don't think you know me well enough if your dare to mess with my food." I plopped the pizza down on his plate and got another piece. I could feel Xander watching me. He was a bit creepy. After the lunch Odette and I went over to our apartment, which we have now labeled the chick's apartment. We even made a sign and put it on the door. We put on some music as we cleaned. The cleaning was more dancing then cleaning, actually. At three we wanted to have a spa day so I called Annette and asked her if she wanted to come have a homemade spa day with me and my new roomie. After she said yes I walked over to the guys apartment and knocked on the door. After a second the door opened to reveal Xander. He now had on jeans and a guys tank top. I said,"where's Lucas." He motioned for me to come in. Lucas and Conner were on the couch drinking root beer. I walked over and said,"Lucas I need you to go pick up your girlfriend." Lucas grinned. Conner stood up next to me. He said,"may I pick up mine?" He had a girlfriend? I said,"um sure." He then bent down and lift me up over his shoulder. He started walking around the apartment saying,"I have claimed her as my girlfriend now! Anyone who dares question me can fight me now!" I was laughed and telling him to put me down. After a few more times around the room he plopped me down on the couch. Xander was now sitting in an armchair with a tiny grin on his lips. I said,"Conner!" He laughed. Lucas said,"why am I supposed to get Annette?" I said,"girl stuff. Were having this big party! So I need you to go pick he Annette for me." He said,"okay, it'll give me an excuse to see her again today." He got his keys and then left. Just Conner, Xander and I now. I said," well, sorry guys. Big party coming up. Got to go get ready." I walked out and back to the apartment. I said,"Lucas is picking up Annette. You're going to love her! She's so much fun!" Odette said,"oh I can't wait to meet her!" I said,"yeah and I definitely need a facial. Especially with this big bruise on my face." I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I had a bruise on one side of my face, the size of a hand. Odette and I started making the facial paste. When Annette got here we let her in and we all started to apply the facial. I made sure the door was locked. Didn't want the guys walking in on this interesting sight. Then I cranked up the music. After a while of applying facials, painting nails, and dancing like lunatics there was a banging at the door. I went to the door and unlocked it. Once I opened it I saw all three guys standing there. Each one was carrying something different. Conner had drinks, Lucas had bags of chips, and Xander had a fresh box of pizza. I let them in and said,"girls we got company." Odette and Annette came out of the bathroom with a bowl full of fresh paste. Annette ran up and pushed Lucas to the couch and quickly applied the stuff to his face. Lucas said,"no! Guys save me!" Conner and Xander are about to turn around and run when I locked the door. Odette pulled Conner towards the couch and I grab Xander's hand and pulled him. I have no doubt that If he didn't go willingly he wouldn't have gone anywhere at all. I grabbed a ponytail holder and pulled his hair into a ponytail. Just long enough for one. He had a bit of a scruff so I put the paste everywhere else. The whole time I was very aware that he never took his eyes off me. I said," I promise this stuff is all natural. Any food allergies?" He shook his head no. When I was done I went into the kitchen and grabbed the food the guys brought.  I put it on the coffe table and said," dig in!" We all ate. I put on some music and grabbed Conner's hand. He said,"oh no I'm eating. If I must be tortured like this then im going to get food out of this at least." He pulled me into his lap and grabbed some pizza. I took a bight out of it. He said," hey!" I said," fair is fair." He handed me the piece and grabbed himself another one. Lucas was eating from a bag of chips with his arm rapped around Annette. Odette was sitting in an armchair. After a little while of eating Annette said," sorry guys I gotta go." I said," okay, let me help take off your facial." Everyone went into the kitchen and rinsed the gunk off their faces. I said,"Annette, is the bruise faded anymore?" Annette said," no, not really. I'm sorry that guy hit you." I said," it's not your fault. If anything its mine for screaming. So please don't feel bad." She nodded and Lucas and Annette left. Conner said,"Xander and I better get going. I have classes tomorrow. Xander doesn't start at D.C. High till Monday, though." Odette said,"yeah. I start tomorrow morning." Xander and Conner left. It was 6:30. Odette said,"I'm exhausted from traveling so I'm gonna go on and hit the shower then go to bed." I nodded and started to pick up the apartment as she took a shower. I will probably be getting to bed soon too because I like to go for a run at five every morning. When I was with my ex boyfriend, Toby, he was constantly beating me up. The last time was when I tried to break up with him. He broke my finger and cut my leg from my thigh to my calf. I had to get over 50 stitches. Because of that, in the morning, if I don't exercise my leg by running then it feels tight for the rest of the day, which I suppose is all in my head. After that Lucas found out, called Conner, and they both beat of Toby pretty bad. He had a leg and arm cast for a long time and he now walks with a limp. Once I cleaned up I showered, read a book, set my alarm for five in the morning, and went to bed.

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