February 3

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February 3- Friday-Miserable

When I woke up I was hot and sweaty. The room's AC was broken. I jumped into the shower then checked out. I checked my phone. Over fifteen messages from four separate people. Lucas, Annette, Odette, and Conner. All asking where I was. One from a number i didn't recognize. They all left a voicemail but I listened to the unknown number's voice mail. " hey, Caroline. It's Mr. T. Lucas said you haven't been answering your phone and after the break in last night he's worried. If your scared and or hurt but you don't want to call your brother I want you to call me." I ended the voicemail and then Dialed Mr. T. "Mr. T... its Caroline. Are you alone?" "Yes I'm in my office. Lucas is out looking for you. The police are too. Are you okay?" I said,"Toby brought a bunch of his friends over when I was alone and kept pounding on the door. So I grabbed my stuff and ran. They broke in. It was them. I just know it." He replied, "did you see it?"" No. I just know though." He sighed and said,"I know your probably right but without evidence..." I cut him off and said," I know. That's why I left." "Where are you Caroline?" "Somewhere far away where he can't get to me." Mr. t said,"Lucas and your mom are worried. Come home. I'll protect you. We all will." I started to cry and said,"I know you all would, but they threatened my friends. I don't want anyone to get hurt." "This is already hurting all your friends, your brother, and I'm sure most of all your mother." I said in and angry sob,"Our mother is dead. We were living alone because our uncle didn't want us. Lucas and I have fended for ourself for a long time now. He knows I can take care of myself." After a moment of silence mr. T said,"I know."" How do you know?" He replied,"I searched into yours and Lucas background when he became my assistant."" And you haven't reported us?" I asked. He said,"I knew you two were taking better care of yourself then most guardians do of teens in foster care... I suppose I saw no purpose as long as you both were safe, healthy, and went to school." I didn't say anything. He continued,"let me come to you. Come get you... you can go to the office with me and we'll file a report and get this solved." I said,".. okay. But don't tell anyone, please." He agreed and then I told him where I was. He would fly down here and be here by lunch. I called Carly,"Hi, mrs. Carly? It's Cj." She said,"oh hi Cj! What can I do for y'a." I said,"I actually won't be needing that job. I just found out I'm moving. I'm sorry." She said it was completely alright. After hanging up I want to Waffle House and ate breakfast. I have till lunch to do whatever so I decided to go to some museums. Afterwards I went to a Chick-fil-A to eat and meet Mr T. At noon he texted me saying he had landed and where to meet. When he arrived at Chick-fil-A I saw he came in with a woman. Mr. T sat down. I didn't say anything. Mr T said,"this is my partner Jacky. He goes by Mrs. J tho." She wasn't as muscular as Mr. T, but she was well built. She had red hair and a face full of freckles. He sat down. Mr. T said,"Are you okay?" I said," yeah. When do we leave?" Mr. T said," in half an hour. But first I wanted to discuss Mrs. j staying with you for a while. In case Toby comes back." I glanced at Mrs. J. She had a kind face with a gentle smile, but looked very much like she could hold her own. I said," alright. If you think that's for the best." Mr. T nodded and said," its settled then. Let's get going."
By the time we landed it was two o'clock. Mr. T drove us to the FBI field office. Mr. T and Mrs. J filled all the paper work then the three of us drove to the apartment. When we got there the three of us went into the guys apartment where Lucas, Annette, Odette, Conner, and Xander. All were sitting in different places. Annette and Lucas looked very upset. Conner looked frustrated. And Xander looked angry. When they saw us walk in they all jumped up. Lucas immediately ran to me and wrapped me in his arms. His voice broke when he said," Caroline? Are you okay? Where were you?" Mr. T said,"let's all sit down." We all sat down after everyone gave me a hug... including Xander. Mr. T said,"I'll be explaining for Caroline... so Toby and a group of guys came banging on the door threatening her and her friends so she grabbed some stuff and ran. As you know the apartment next door was broken into... we have probable cause to question them, but I'm not sure what else we can do. Unless we can find some sort of physical evidence that they were there such as finger prints, hair strands. But that won't hold up if Toby has been in the apartment before." I said,"he hasn't and his friends haven't." He continued,"then the evidence team will determine al of that. Caroline called me and I went to get her." Lucas said," why didn't you call me, sis?" I said,"he threatened all of you... if you tried then he would have done something." Mr. T said,"Agent Jacky will be living with Caroline and her roommate for a few weeks." Odette said,"with us?" I nodded. Lucas said,"I just don't understand... you didn't call me... any of us. We are here for you. You and me. It's been just us for a long time. We've taken care of each other. We are supposed to support each other. How can I support you if you run from the problem... and your friends." He looked really upset. I said,"I know... I'm sorry. I was scared." Mr. T said,"okay. I think that's enough for now. The past is the past. Let it go. It's three o'clock now. Annette, we should get home. Let them get everything settled." Annette and Mr. T left. Odette, Mrs. J, and i all went into the girls apartment. The couch was a pull out couch. I said,"Mrs. J, the couch is a pull out. Full sleeper I think. It's all yours." She said,"okay. Thanks. And just call me Jacky. I'm not as formal as Mr. T." I nodded and said,"im gonna go shower. I don't feel to good." Odette asked,"are you sick?" I replied,"no... just my leg where I had to have over fifty stitches in it. I didn't exercise it this morning so it's completely stiff and tight. And I'm sore and tired." I smiled and went to take a shower. After I showered I ate an early dinner and went on to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2017 ⏰

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