22 - Safe

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Tia's perspective

Andrew tugged on to my arm and pulled me into the other direction and began to walk fast, I stumbled loosing my balance but his arm instantly wrapped around my waist holding me protectively close as he lead me down the street were it is now rush hour, people came from everywhere and the cars zoomed up and down the road.

I look around franticly and I start to panic, the sound of the cars made my mind burst and the sound of the small chatter of people caused me to wonder the worst. "Andrew?"

I turned my head back to see Alexander searching the crowd with a phone to his ear as he spoke loudly and angrily to whoever was on the other side on the phone. In habit  my body began to shake and my hart hammered with fear; it urged me to run, hide and escape from Alex but I
was suddenly I pulled to Andrew's chest. I gasped in surprise as his head dropped close to my ear, his arms came around my waist and pulled me closer to his body making my head rest onto his shoulder. His warmth of his minty breath traveled under my skin and it made me shiver, he guided my hands around his waist and held them steady.

I hear him gulp and take a breath through his nose as his hart raced when his fingers skimmed around me.

"Stay calm and stay close baby -." Andrew said softly.

Staying calm was impossible because every second I looked behind my shoulder brought me a sense of paranoia knowing that my worst fear has defiantly come right back into my life. But in this very situation, it brought me panic to how safe I feel back in Andrew's arms and this safety did not happen by accident.

"-Can you do that for me?" He asked again ever so calmly.

How can Andrew be so calm in front of his brother that had nearly killed him?

I release a shaky breath and gripped on to Andrew with my dear life as the memories rushed back clouding the positive. Andrew took a breath as if came to realisation, he shook his head and let out a small sigh knowing what I was thinking, he only mirrored my actions holding me closer.

"I'm right here babe"

A tear escaped my eyes and I buried myself in the crook of his neck and nodded stiffly.
"How are you so safe alone?"

He stiffens but regardless he held me close, held me gently, held me safely.

"Its okay Babe, I'll keep you safe"

My eyes welled up with another set of tears as my heart melted hearing him sooth again, memories from the past flashed before my eyes and now it all seems like deja veu, It all seem like I'am reliving again. I didn't want to feel this way anymore, I didn't want to love Andrew again but that was now completely unbearably impossible. Andrew made me love him again. Now there was no denying it.

I felt a tear slid down my cheek and I see it land on his skin. Andrew took a sharp breath and tighten his grip around me once again swaying us gently I take a sharp breath inhaling his fresh smell of smoke and the mixture of the cologne that I love so much and find myself falling calmer by every sniff.

"Its going to be okay Tia, I promise. He won't touch you as long as I'm here"

I nodded on his neck feeling the softness of his shirt, I  closed my eyes tight blocking out the tears and the soothing words that he always used. I wanted to pull away but I didn't, I didn't want to pull away at all, I didn't want this to ever end.

Andrew loosened his hold and slowly pulled away but I tighten my grip around him and shook my head rapidly.

"No. Not yet" I begged. I didn't have to ask twice, Andrew tightened his grip and ran his fingers through my hair like he used to and placed a small kiss on my fourhead returning back to his previous position.

Andrew lifted his head up a little as he placed a small gentle kiss on my cheek, a zap traveled through my face which caused me to blush and tingle all over he still has his mark on my cheek and no matter how many times I would push him away he knew that it only meant I want him closer.

I scence him looking out in the distance which only made me realise it was a cover up so that Alex wouldn't find us, I sighed for being so naive but regardless nothing inside me felt the regret or pain.

"His gone Baby"

Pulling away, I followed Andrew's gaze behind my shoulder and  like a ghost Alexander was gone. There were people walking past, stopping at near by cafes, sitting and talking as we stood in the middle letting everybody walk around us. Luckily we were camouflaged by the public and thankfully weren't spotted by Alex.

Suddenly Andrew had stepped in front of me and guided my chin up to meet his eyes, I watched as his bright brown eyes swoop me up and down frantically and with so much concern and empathy and I fell into another set of tears. The last Andrew had ever looked at me like this is when he begged me not to leave he thought that something would happen to me and he would never see me again. Looking back now, I couldn't stop staring at those bright brown eyes with so much regret but yet happiness because he held so much care for me, he wanted me safe, alive and happy. Yet, I struggled to keep him alive and happy and what I regret the most is that I left and watched him shut down as if he was slowly dyeing.

"You okay baby?" Andrew asked me softly, as he creased my cheeks. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out, because being back into this position held me speechless I never felt more okay in my life, I never felt safe or so secure with anyone in this world other than Andrew. I nodded and wrapped my fingers around his wrist and leaned  into his touch  then slowly step towards his chest and wrap his arms around me. 

"I wish you didn't have to keep me so safe" I said. Andrew stiffens and tries to pull away but I hold on tighter. He chuckles quietly and gives me a familiar squeeze as he sways us as I breath in his familiar scent and snuggle closer. "I wish you would listen to me and not fight my battles Andrew"

"If I don't keep you safe, who else would, who else will stick by your side to protect you Tia-?" Andrew sighs in annoyance and drops his head onthe crook of my neck where he suddenly kisses me lightly. I gulp with a shiver, "-who else is going to love you more than I do?" 

Andrew pulled away and whips away my tears  and smiles down at me.
"Come on, I'll take you home and we'll work this out. Okay Babe?" 

I shook my head "you never listen." Andrew smirked shrugging his shoulders and took my hand in his, he kissed my cheek and tugged me to his side as we walked down the road.

 "You know what else?" He asked with a smirk. I can only imagine what he might say, his smirk reviles it all. He leaned down to my ear as if he were going to tell me a secret  and I felt his warmth and minty breath trail down my skin. I took a breath and braced myself.

"I'm not ever leaving your side" 


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