Chapter 4

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I sigh as I swing my legs back and forth. God this is soooo boring...

Stop complaining.

Make me!

Oh, I will!

I'm about to retort when the door opens and I look up to see Austin standing there. "What do you want?"

A loud chiming starts to go off, like the one a couple hours ago and I glance around. "Come with me." Is all he says before walking out. I hesitate before I stand and follow him down the long white hallways.

We soon come upon a large opening, leading into a huge room full of tables, which people are sitting in or making their way over to with trays full of unappetizing food. My eyes widen slightly and I turn to look at Austin, but he's already gone. My brows furrow slightly before I make my way over to a table that's empty, ignoring the food. I sit down and I sigh, looking down at the table to avoid the stares being sent my way.

I would have my hood up, but when I was taken back to my room they gave me a new set of clothes, like the ones everyone else is wearing, instead of the clothes they had given me when I first got here, which had a hood. The plain black workout tank didn't have one, so I'm stuck showing off my hair. It's like they saw how much more comfortable I was with a hood on so they decided to take that away. The simple black cargo pants are a little snug and boring, but it's definitely better than nothing. We all have combat boots for shoes.

"Woah....nice hair!" A girl plops down across from me, setting down a tray with food and starting to eat. I look at her warily. She has platinum blonde hair, from which I can tell, is natural, and the irises of her eyes are almost a blank snow-white.

"And you are?..."

She bites into her bread before setting it down and looking at me, swallowing her bite. "I'm Georgia!"

I nod slowly. "Why did you come here?..."

She blinks as if it's obvious. "Well you looked alone, I thought I would give you my company!" she exclaims.

"Wonderful..." I mutter, then I get an idea and I look at her. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course!" Another cheerful response.

"What is this place?..."

She gasps. "That's why I haven't seen you around! You're new!" She laughs. "This is facility 9, a government compound that obtains powerful people and brings them in to train them," she says, grinning as if she's explained a million times over.

My eyes narrow. "By obtained do you mean kidnap?"

She nods slowly. "Yeah, some people say that. But the thing is, my parents were frightened when they found out their kid had powers." She laughs as if her past is a joke. "After they found out, they didn't want me, so they brought me here." She takes another bite of food, chews, and swallows the crap like its nothing. "People have also said that we're actually being trained so we can be used as weapons, but I don't believe them." She takes another bite of her bread.

I frown. I do...

As do I.

I sigh. "Do you know who Austin is? Silent guy, brown hair and is able to absorb and use any power?"

She blinks, before nodding. "Austin Miller? Yeah! He's a higher-up kind of person. He's been here for like...forever!" She pauses, "He's really mysterious though...nobody really talks to him...but what everyone knows is to NOT get on his bad side."

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