Chapter 17

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I jolt awake as a pillow slams into my face, and Abby cackles. "Rise and shine, Phe!"

I scowl at her and I roll onto my other side, my back now to her. "Go away..." I mutter grumpily, closing my eyes again. I hear her sigh, and moments later, she shoves me off the side and I yelp as I hit the floor. "What the hell?!" I pop up and my eyes flash black.

She smirks at me, setting the pillow back onto the bed. "We're going to school, so get ready."

I blink as she leaves, shutting the door behind her. I had forgotten about school, with everything that's been going on. With the Facility 9 incident and that freak element bender suddenly attacking. It's been kind of overwhelming...not to mention I was deeply involved with both.

How are we even allowed to go back? We've missed way too much as seniors, and won't we get in trouble?

Can we set her on fire? She woke me up.

I blink. She woke YOU up?!


God, you're so selfish.


Go away.

Moirai snickers, fading back into his corner to do whatever he does.

I sigh, out loud, and I start to get ready. I walk out of my room, down the hall and into the living room to find Abby, Cas, Austin, and Conner all at the table eating. A spot, with a plate full of food, is left open for me. I plop down and I start eating, but I glance up and I narrow my eyes at Conner, who's still in pajamas.

Cas notices and laughs softly. "He's too old to go to school, remember?"

I blink. "Eh?"

"He's nineteen."

I eye Conner, who's stopped eating and stares back at me, but I look away and I keep eating. I never thought about his age, since he looks to be around ours.

"Welp, let's go." Abby stands, shouldering her backpack.

"To hell?" Austin jokes.

Abby blinks. "No, I prefer school over that place, although there's not much of a difference between the people who go to school, and the demons that live in hell." We both grin.

I stand and run a hand through my hair. "I have to find my backpack first..." I groan.

"Shouldn't it be where you last left it?" Cas asks me as she stands, tying her thick blonde hair up into a ponytail.

I sigh, "I don't remember..."

Conner blinks, then tilts his head to the side. "It's only been a week or two..."

I scowl at him, "that's a good amount of time for me to forget." I mutter and I walk off. I can hear Cas laughing softly at me, and I scowl more.

Eventually, I find my backpack under my bed and I walk back out. Only Cas and Austin stand there, and I blink. Before I can ask where Abby is, Cas beats me to it. "She already left. Said you were taking too long."

I roll my eyes, which makes Austin laugh, but I avoid his gaze. I know we said we would just be friends, but I think he's still getting over his feelings for me. Sometimes I'd catch him studying me or my features while doing something. It's not stalkerish...I kind of see it as an admiration sort of thing, but no matter. We all walk out and are soon standing in front of the large school. Students mill about on the campus laughing, talking, smoking (kids these days...), making get the idea.

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