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❝ Lend me your eyes I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep, totally free. ❞
"Viserys is demanding 20,000 men! Who does he think he is for us to just hand over 20,000 of our own men?" My voice echoed throughout the room and my father sat on his throne with Matthias by his side. A second letter arrived from Viserys now with even more demands.
"He thinks he's the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. That's who he thinks he is", Matthias responded smugly as he handed my father another parchment for him to sign. The three of us were in the throne room awaiting the arrival of royal family and their companions, for today was the day that they will be leaving. Part of me was grateful that they will be gone and forever forgotten, but the other part was in conflict. I didn't want Sansa or Sandor to leave, even little Arya was starting to grow on me as I would watch her practice in the courtyard with her sword: Needle.
Slowly walking up to the smaller chair that was placed next to fathers. The chair that was made for the queen. As I took a seat the doors to the room opened revealing our guests and their guards. The moment my eyes landed on Sandor's tall frame I immediately sat up straighter and rested my hands on my lap. His eyes flickered towards me and for a split second, I let a smile settle on my lips. In one graceful movement, every single one of the royals and others bowed.
"Thank you again Georgey for allowing us to stay here", Baratheon began to say as he took a step forward, "You are always welcomed in Kingslanding."
A silence fell over the room as my eyes began to travel towards Sansa who was trying to inch her way closer to Joffrey. Tugging at my fingers, the nagging feeling of knowing that this innocent girl was going to be wedded to that little prat. The words flew out of my mouth before I could even think of them.
"Then perhaps you could extend your offer to me, I have always wanted to visit the great Capital." The moment that sentence ended, death never seemed like a better alternative. Feeling the burning stare of both my father and Matthias, I couldn't help but want to sink into the throne I sat on. Robert Baratheon seemed to be shocked at my request and looked at both his wife and Eddard Stark for a comment. Sansa's eyes glowed with excitement as she showed a toothy grin while Sandor's expression was unreadable.
"I don't see why not darling, the young Princess will be most welcomed," Cersei smiled as she placed a hand on her husband's arm.
"If I may", Matthias took a step forward, "I don't see no problem with letting Princess Malda be able to travel a bit and if it would make you feel any better I can accompany her."
My father stood up from his throne as he reached over to take my hand in his," King Baratheon. If anything was to happen to my daughter, my only child, I will not hesitate to start a new war."
Feeling the tightening grip of my father's hand I couldn't help but turned to look at him in shock as a forced smile graced his thin lips, "I am losing both my daughter and hand, all in one single day. I must be setting a new record."
After a few hours have passed I watched as the servants began to load my own luggage into a carriage from my window. Taking a deep breath as slowly took steps away from the window, regret started to build. This was a stupid idea, a stupid, foolish idea. If I didn't see Sansa's foolish infatuation with the elder prince then I would have never spoken a word. Now I will be going to Kingslanding, the official depths of hell in all the of Seven Kingdoms and so on. Perhaps I could fake an illness, no there wasn't enough time. My thoughts were rudely interrupted by a loud banging on my door. Wiping my hands on my dress to get rid of the sweaty stress build up, I called out that they could enter. The breath in my throat suddenly escaped as I watched Sandor Clegane enter and close the door. With shaky hands, I intertwined my fingers together and took a seat on one of the couches.
"Clegane. To what do I owe the pleasure?", Sandor took a look around the room, never once did his hand released its grip from the hilt of his sword.
"Your father, the King, has requested me to escort you down to the gates."
"Did he really? I wasn't aware that my father knew that I would rather see your face than any of our elite king's guards", I couldn't help but smile as I stood up to grab a shawl. Sandor didn't bother responding as he opened the door again and waited for me to exit my own room. Silence fell over the two of us like normal as we fell into step with one another. Reminding me how just a few days again he made a harsh comment on how I was incapable of keeping up with him so he now has to walk slower. Smiling to myself as now I only hoped that he wouldn't disappear once we reached Kingslanding. Yet, he could. He could forget about me the moment we step foot through the gates. Stopping in the middle of the hall I grabbed onto his arm to make him halt.
"What is it now, butterfly", butterfly. That name didn't settle onto me until yesterday when I hit his chest for almost stepping onto one of those precious creatures. Though he started calling me it to try and tease me, for some reason it comforted me. I was being foolish again.
"Nothing. I thought I saw something. It was just my imagination."
The moment we arrived at the carriages my heart fell into my stomach. As my eyes fell on my father's tall figure I couldn't help but run into his arms and held tightly onto him. I was going to miss this, miss his warm embrace. Everything that I held dear to my heart was going to left here in this castle, in this kingdom.
A/N sorry this is really late and short, I wanted it to be a filler chapter because from now on it's gonna follow the game of thrones series. Also, thank you to inilagemmorgan900The_Literal_Lionfor commenting on the last chapter and to everyone who votes, it really means a lot and helps motivates me to continue writing.