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❝There is a swelling stormAnd I'm caught up in the middle of it all

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There is a swelling storm
And I'm caught up in the middle of it all.

My lady maid, Dolores, timidly stood in the center of my chambers as I threw random bits of food and rags into a bag. She tried to help, but I quickly pushed her away and told her to just move out of my way. Dolores was only 20 years of age, a mere two years older than me, she was pretty. Striking hazel hair that curled around her breasts, her hair matched her own eyes that were always casted down avoiding any eye-contact, and her sun kissed skin that seen better days was smooth to look at. The shy girl never spoke unless I asked her a direct question nor made her appearance known when she cleaned. To say she was a perfect lady maid was an understatement.

When a knock at the door sounded through the room, Dolores quickly ran over to open it. Though her reaction to the person at the door was a squeak and nearly falling over her feet as she tried to retreat to where I stood. Closing my eyes I quietly counted to ten so I wouldn't throw the basket at his large head. Breathing slowly I took a small cloth and laid it over the basket and pushed it into Dolores's arms.

"Take this to Sansa Stark's chamber. Make sure to run to the kitchen first and pick up motherwort and ginger tea and some lemon cakes. Please keep me updated on her condition", I stated firmly as I avoid Sandor's damning stare as I talked to Dolores.

"But my lady, you are indecent. You can't be left-"

"Thank you for your concern, but I can take care of myself. Now leave Dolores."

She quickly curtsied and at a fast paced exited the room. Once the door slammed shut I slowly walked over to the vanity and took hold of one of my brush. It was a pretty brush. It was silver with gold lining around the handle, with the back of the brush having sapphire gems being the décor. Without hesitation I threw the lovely brush at the man.

"You damn fucker!" I yelled before throwing another brush at Sandor.

"What is you problem?"

"My problem? You can imagine my surprise when I woke up to the news that Sansa Stark has become a woman. Though I was even more surprised when I found out that it was you who told the Queen Mother about the event. Do you understand what this means for her! She is now able to have the prats children! You ruined this poor girls life!"

Sandor didn't say a word as I yelled at him. His face was solid no emotion showing which caused my anger to grow. Marching up to him, I began to beat my fist against his chest, "say something you emotionless jerk!"

It only took one of his hands to capture both of my wrists. For a second I felt fear as tried to jerk my hands away, but couldn't.

"Don't you be talking about something you know nothing about. Sansa being able to birth little princes and princess is the only thing keeping her alive. I am doing what you asked me to do, so shut your fucking mouth and be grateful that I saved the little bird's life."

You Are Enough [Sandor  Clegane]Where stories live. Discover now