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Rain pounded against the earth, yelling at the world which let a mother take her own daughter's life. Screaming for another chance, for Skipper Devans to be let back into this god forsaken world. But no, once someone's heart stops beating for good, they don't get a second chance. Because this world is evil. Everyone around me was dressed in black except her mother who was dressed in an orange jumpsuit. The woman who had the decency to even show up at her daughter's funeral let alone, cry.

"Skipper Devans report to the principal's office, NOW!" This sentence wasn't uncommon. Students would finish reciting the pledge of allegiance like robots before patiently waiting for those words to leave one of the office lady's wrinkled lips. And of course, there were the ones who laughed, shook their heads, and then there was me. The one who thought of the crazy thing she would've done this time. Detention was probably her favorite word. My favorite word was probably Skipper.

A light breeze brushed through our hair as we sat under our favorite oak tree, its leaves turning orange, red, and yellow with the coming of my favorite month. She wore an oversized sweater with some black leggings, Oh and her famous worn converse. We would sit so close that I could smell her coconut shampoo. Then I would reach into my backpack and grab one of the harry potter books. Soon Skipper's angel-like voice filled the air with the words that J.K. Rowling wrote, though I would bet my life that no one could read it as smoothly and beautifully as Skipper could. Her voice was a cold shower in the heat of a deadly dry summer, it was a mother singing her sick child to sleep, and it was one of the only things left to keep me going.

As the sound of our footsteps pounded against the side walk our laughter sounded in the cool air of the autumn afternoon. Soon we reached my house, my mother greeted us with a warm smile then handed us both a mug of apple cider. She always used the Harley Davidson mug that my dad won from a motorcycle show. As we sipped our apple cider we watched my sister play with her barbies and a movie. She always curled up in my blanket and whenever something popped up on the screen she would hide under its soft fabric. Skipper had often spent the night, even on school nights. I had suspected that her mother wasn't healthy or safe, so I offered for her to live with us but she always showed me her warm crooked smile, "No, Alexzander I'm fine but thank you." Sadness always filled her eyes whenever someone brought up her mother.

"Hey, Alexzander?" She asked softly in a tired voice. "Yeah, Skip?" Her head popped up and she looked down at the floor to where I was sleeping. "I can't sleep..." Her expression looked embarrassed, but this was my favorite part. I would crawl up onto the bed and stare into her pale gray eyes. She had always said she loved my eyes, tho I personally thought they were a boring muddy brown. Skip described them as the richest dark chocolate or a cup of warm dark coffee. Soon she would drift off to sleep, the smell of my shirt would make her scoot over and snuggle into it. I would wrap an arm around her waist and sing her a lullaby.


A soft cold breeze ran its fingers through her short curly hair, she laughed at me in my pirate costume. "What? My mom said I looked handsome!" I shouted as she giggled at me. "And you do, ya handsome dork!" She would tease in her soft voice. We then would run up and down the sidewalk and steal candy from buckets. Then we would go on and knock on doors. "Trick or Treat!" Skipper and I would say enthusiastically in unison. Then at ten pm my mom would come and scoop us up in her arms and carry us to the car. Skip fell asleep just on the way to the car. My round innocent eyes realized that someday I would marry this girl.

Hello, reader! I hope you like my new story that I have been working on for a year or two now. I've been working really hard on the plot and characters! Have any suggestions feel free to tell me! Hope you like the characters so far, enjoy!

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