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I knew that I would never love another the way I loved Skipper Devans and I would never have the same love I had with Skipper Devans. Soon the service ended and the monster was locked back up in her cage. As I stared out the window of the old car my mother had since I was seven. The beautifully colored leaves were falling, they fell and then died beautifully, though I hadn't saved Skipper from her death. I knew she did it with grace and beauty, even with her two left feet. I have never hurt this badly, sadly, or madly. I hope she's not hurting anymore.

Pages crinkled and flipped as Skipper looked for a way to solve a difficult looking math problem, "I'm so glad you're smarter than me," I teased and she stuck her pink tongue out at me. As she crinkled her nose I couldn't help but lean over and kiss her cheek, her face changed beet red and she gave me a weird face. After silence and my awkward smile faded she took in a deep breath, "I love you Alexzander West." Her voice was soft and quiet, it didn't come out in a squeak as her words with meaning usually did. Her eyes slowly met mine, her grey eyes sparkled and her waterline was hugged by salty water that didn't dare disobey the lower lid that held it back. "And I love you Skipper Devans, you are so beautiful..." I couldn't help but gush out my feelings, I loved everything she hated about herself. Her tears then disobeyed her and said tears raced down her freckled cheeks, I couldn't help but smile as I leaned over and wiped her tears away before slowly my chapped lips met her soft ones.

Our first kiss. I wouldn't give it away even if it meant saving my life.

There were days where she wouldn't come to school and everyone thought she would come back from a fight the next day. People called her reckless, bad-ass, freak, bloodthirsty. What they didn't know was my suspicions of what was really going on.

It had already been around three months into our junior year. Of course, I was the youngest since I was bumped up a grade, Skipper was already one of the eldest. But I had just gotten taller than her so I am content. She stayed at 5'5" to 5'6" and I'm a proud 5'8". She says I'll forever be her midget but I'm fine with that I suppose. I started to fall behind in some of my classes so my mother told me I should get a tutor, of course, Skipper would help but even though my mother loved Skipper with all her heart she knew we won't get much done with all the laughing and joking around we do. So she picked out one of the many flyers our school had for tutors, Addie Gibson. She had a couple classes with me, she was on the quieter side and always got honor roll. Addie was sweet from what I could tell, she had thick curly brown-red hair that went down to her shoulder blades, it was usually put into a braid. Her cheeks and nose had a blanket of freckles and she had round brown eyes that reminded me of a scared doe. She had a button nose and bigger than normal flushed colored lips.

After school one day I told Skipper why I couldn't hang out, then I waited around outside the school in the chilly weather. I had dressed in a black t-shirt with a thick flannel over it and just some of my regular jeans. I could tell my ears were pink and I could feel my nose about to sniffle. Soon Addie appeared out of her car from the parking lot, she had a sweet but shy smile as she trotted up to the sidewalk where I was standing. "Sorry, I needed to talk to my mum." She explained in a hushed voice, I hadn't noticed it till now but she had a slight British accent. Absentmindedly she pushed up her large circle glasses, and we walked inside. The rush of warmth flooded my body and a familiar burn filled my fingertips. She shivered then chuckled softly to herself, not paying much attention to it we continued up the stairs and found a place to sit and work on my homework. We chatted about our classes and she helped me when she saw I needed it, and I couldn't lie it did help. There was something about this girl that I couldn't place, but I'll probably remember when it's too late.


A shriek left the lips of a little girl as the sound of playground bark flying in the air hit my ears. I remember stumbling to get to the origin of unsettling scream. Skipper sat under the monkey bars with a straight face as she looked up to the little girl, Addie Gibson. Her rusty brown hair was tied into two french braids and she was dressed carefully in a summer yellow dress. I hadn't noticed till now what she had shrieked at, Skipper's eye was swollen shut as she stared up blankly at Addie. Skipper looked over and her lips twitched before she got up and walked out of the playground and up the sidewalk.

Hello Reader! Sorry for yet another late chapter, I hope you liked it. I am going to try to write more frequently. Enjoy! Also sorry for it being shorter than normal.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2017 ⏰

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