Chapter Five

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Chapter Five.

**Skylar's POV**

I woke up with arms wrapped around me. I sighed in content before it hit me. I sat up and saw a shirtless Harry. I screamed and fell out of bed. I got up and went out the door. Liam was sitting on the couch, shirtless. "What's with everyone being shirtless?" I yelled covering my eyes. I turned around and there was a shirtliss Louis. I groaned and went to the bathroom. I heard Liam laughing. I saw an eye mask and slipped it on. I opened the door and felt my way around. I stuck out my hand and it hit hard, warm, flesh. I pulled the mask up and saw my hand rubbing Liam's abs. I yelped and pulled my hand back.

"It's fine Sky. It's just a shirt." Louis said. I slipped the mask off to glare at him. "If you want, you can get shirtless with us." I slapped Louis and glared harder. I could tell Liam was trying to hold in a laugh.

"I'm hungry." I said. "Go make me a bowl of cereal." I looked at Louis.

"Whoa, hold on a minute. You are the girl, shouldn't you be in the kitchen?" Louis said smirking.

"But I am a guest. And you are the girliest one in here, so, yup. Kitchen, food, now." I said and he walked off. I sighed and laid back, yawning.

"You know, if you're tired you can go back to sleep." Liam said smiling. I shrugged and decided to go to the kitchen to make coffee. I opened all of the cupboards before I decided to ask.

"Where's the coffee?" I asked Liam and he smiled.

"We always go to Starbucks." he said and I frowned.

"Well, go put a shirt on. You are treating me to coffee." I said to Liam and he nodded. Louis handed me a bowl and a fork. "Why can't I have a spoon?" I asked and Louis nodded towards Liam.

"Liam doesn't like spoons." Louis said and I shrugged. Eating cereal with a fork is not the easiest thing to do. Liam came back and I set the bowl down. I ran my fingers through my hair and took someone's shoes.

"Those are Niall's shoes so be careful." Liam said and I smiled.

"I can't wait to go on tour with you guys." I said smiling. Liam grinned and slipped some sunglasses on. I pushed my glasses up on my face and he laughed, placing a hat on my head. Liam also put on a hat and I looked at him with a confuse expression.

"So no one will recognize me." he said and It hit me.

"Oh, duh. I knew that." I said. We walked towards Starbucks which wasn't that far away. I ordered my usually coffee with vanilla and a chocolate muffin. We started walking back and as I was about to take a bite of my muffin, Liam swooped down and took a huge bite. "Hey!" I yelled and hit him lightly. He smiled and I pouted.

"It's so good Skylar!" He said. I walked ahead of him and pouted. I took a bite of the muffin and thought about how Liam had his lips on it. I almost shivered. What is wrong with me? It's just Liam. I shook my head and savored the muffin. "Skylar, can I have another bite?" Liam asked.

"No." I said and shoving the rest of it into my mouth. We both laughed and his hand brushed mine. I blushed and looked down. "Uh, Liam. I'm nervous about going on tour with you. What if I'm not good enough?"

"Skylar, you are plenty good enough. Don't worry. You might want to write a song though. I could get Niall to help you write the music." he said and I smiled at him.

"Oh, thank you Liam!" I yelled and hugged him. I hopped down and smiled. "Wait here." I ran back to Starbucks and got another chocolate muffin. I ran back and held it out to him. His face brightened and he grabbed it. I took a bite out of it.

"Hey!" he said and I smiled.

"Fair is fair." I said and he rolled his eyes. We walked back and I sipped my coffee. I adjusted the hat and when we got back, Niall was waiting for me.

"Why are you wearing my shoes?" he asked and I flinched.

"I don't know where mine are." I said nonchalantly. He softened up and just shrugged. I kicked the shoes off and went and flopped onto Liam and Louis's laps. I grabbed the remote and flipped through the channels. '27 Dresses' was on and I stopped there.

"Oi! We aren't watching a chick flick!" Louis said and I smiled.

"Yes we are."I said.






"Louis! Just let her watch the dang movie!" Liam yelled and I smirked in victory.

"Fine." he pouted and Harry came out rubbing his eyes. I guess Zayn was still asleep. Harry plopped down on me and I started squirming.

"Hey! Get off!" I yelled and he smiled.

"Nah." he said getting comfortable. I sighed and watched the movie.


Harry and Louis and Liam had fallen asleep with me squished in the middle. I squirmed trying to push Harry off of me. Let me just say, I am not that strong. I groaned and shoved harder.

"Harry! Get off!" I growled. I started tickling him and he pinned my hands to my sides.

"Stop moving Sky. I'm tired." He murmured turning his head. His lips were about an inch from mine and all I managed was a squeak.

"But Harry, I have to pee." I whispered. He groaned and rolled off, pulling me with him. He must have thought we were on a bed and we both tumbled to the floor. I landed on top of him, my knee hitting him squarely in the crotch. He yelled and I quickly got up. "I'm so sorry!" I yelled and Louis and Liam jumped up.

"Wha-? What happened?" Liam yelled grabbing the lamp.

"I accidentally kneed him in the crotch." I said and they started laughing. I blushed hard-core and Louis gave me a hug.

"That's what he gets for touching my little Sky-Bear." Louis cooed and petted my hair. I slapped at his hands and Niall and Zayn came in.

"I'm Hungry." Niall chimed going over to the kitchen. "Great. We have no food. Who's up for Nandos?" Everyone raised their hands but me.

"What's Nandos?" I asked and all of their jaws dropped.

"Nandos it is. Definitely." Naill chimed and I gulped.




But I did now =3


Hope you like it and you guys should check out Peyton & I's fan fiction. We have a separate account for it and everytin.



-xoxo Courtney<3

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