Chapter 6

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We were sitting in Nandos and I was shocked. It smelled amazing. Niall was ordering the food and Harry and I were sitting in the booth and I was squished next to him when the boys came and sat. I blushed and grabbed my food. Everyone watched me intently as I took a bite. I moaned and closed my eyes. It was so good.

"Amazing." I said with my mouth full. I swallowed and laughed as everyone dug into their food. I still couldn't believe that Simon wanted to sign me.

"How does it feel to have the option to be signed?" Liam asked and I grinned like an idiot.

"Great!" I said as we all finished our food. We made our way out of the restaurant and filed into the limo. I tripped and landed in Harry's lap. I blushed deeply and Harry pulled me onto his lap

That night, I stayed at the boys' place again. This time, I was in Liam's room and Liam went to Niall's. I smiled up at the ceiling and rolled over, pulling the blankets up to my neck. I drifted off to sleep, grinning like a mental person.


So, It's been a week since I was offered the contract. The boys start a tour soon and I was asked to go with. I was currently sitting in Simon's office and we were keenly listening to the radio. "Hello Listeners! I currently have on the next up list a brand new song, written by a brand new artisit! Here it is! 1,2,3,4 by Skylar Jones!"

((A/N: Yes. I'm aware it's a Plain White T's song. We can all just pretend =3))

I squealed and started bouncing around the office. I ran over behind Simon's desk and say that the song was climbing the chart. "YOU DID IT!" I yelled to Simon.

"Technically, you did. I just threw it out there." He said smiling at me. Just then, Harry came walking through the door and I tackled him in a hug.

"You guys are the best thing to ever happen to me!" I shouted and he hugged back. I was aware that he was looking at Simon confused.

"Skylar. It just reached number one." He said and I shreiked.


"WHAT'S GOING ON AND WHY ARE WE SHOUTING!?" Louis said walking in followed by the rest of the guys.

"Ms. Jones over here just got herself her first Number One." Simon said and the boys cheered.

"And to think! this all started with Liam hitting you in the head with a door!" Louis said and I fell over laughing.

"Greatest injury in the world!" I said smiling. Liam was smiling at me the widest and I returned it.

"And, you have us to thank!" Liam said and I rolled my eyes.

"Why? For hitting me in the head?" I asked and fell over laughing.

"Skylar. We are done for the day. You can go." He said and I smiled. I grabbed my bag and walked out.

"Skylar, you are a part of One Direction now." Liam said and I stopped him.

"I am the opener for One Direction. I just open for you guys." I said and Niall smiled.

"Ya, but then you come out on stage with us for What Makes You Beautiful and like, a bunch of other songs." He said and I smiled.

"Anyway, we want to take you out on a fancy dinner." Liam said, finishing. I flashed a smile at him and jumped on his back.

"I would love to go." I said. "But, of course, I will have to change." They laughed as we got in the limo.


The limo dropped me off and the boys told me I had 2 hours to get ready. I sighed and ran upstairs to take a shower. I hummed lightly and decided I should wear my contacts tonight.  I got out, wrapping up in a towel and wrapping my hair also in a towel. I started singing Haven't Met You Yet by Michael Buble while digging through my box of dresses. I pulled out a strapless, black sparkly one and smiled. I laid it on the bed and grabbed my matching black converse. Not a fan of heels. I got dressed and slid the dress on then went to do my hair. I straightened it and applied some gray makeup. It was sparkly.

I got a text right as I was done grabbing my black clutch and slidding on a blue cardigan. It was light blue to be exact. I didn't want to seem goth. The doorbell rang and I ran to go get it. Liam was standing there in a tux and I smiled. He looked me up and down, staring at my shoes.

"Converse?" He asked and I chuckled.

"I hate heels. I only wear them when mandatory." I said and we looped arms.

Tonight was going to be a night I would never forget.

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