The Honest Truth by Dan Geimenhart

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"In all the ways that matter, Mark is a normal kid. He's got a dog named Beau and a best friend, Jessie. He likes to take photos and write haiku poems in his notebook. He dreams of climbing a mountain one day.

But in one important way, Mark is not like other kids at all. Mark is sick. The kind of sick that means hospitals. And treatments. The kind of sick that some people never get better from.

So Mark runs away. He leaves home with his camera, Hus notebook, his dog, and a plan to reach the top of Mount Rainier-- even if its the last thing he ever does.

The Honest Truth is a rare and extraordinary novel about big questions, small moments, and the incredible journey of the human spirit."

Rare, extraordinary, and incredible are definitely appropriate words for this book. So is tearjerker. I found myself brushing away tears multiple times. Dan Geimenhart has such an extraordinary way with words. Its also pretty sad to think that this story could be happening to some one. On the BBS scale this would have to rate more than a 10. It would probably be a 20. It was that good.

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