Seize Today by Pintip Dunn

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"Conclusion to the New York Times bestselling and award-winning series, Forget Tomorrow.

Seventeen-year-old Olivia Dresden is a precognitive. Since different versions of people's futures flicker before her eyes, she doesn't have to believe in human decency. She can see the way for everyone to be their best self-if only they would make the right decisions. No one is more conflicted than her mother, and Olivia can only watch as Chairwoman Dresden chooses the dark, destructive course every time. Yet Olivia remains fiercely loyal to the woman her mother could be.

But when the chairwoman captures Ryder Russell, the striking and strong-willed boy from the rebel Underground, Olivia sees a vision of her own imminent Ryder's hand. Despite her bleak fate, she rescues Ryder and flees with him, drawing her mother's fury and sparking a romance as doomed as Olivia herself. As the full extent of Chairwoman Dresden's gruesome plan is revealed, Olivia must find the courage to live in the present-and stop her mother before she destroys the world."

I have to admit, I did not want to read this book. I have loved this series since the second I picked up Forget Tomorrow. I just did not want to see the series end. I'm glad I did read this book though. Seize Today was exciting and exhilarating. I have to admit, I did not like that it was told from the point of view of a character that was not really a main part of the book. I did, however, get to learn how this character feels about everything and got to experience the sadness that the character felt. I got to see emotions tat I never even knew some characters had. I would rate this book an 8 on the BBS scale.

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