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"If he's your big brother why are you so scared to go back?" Li Bing looked at me and said "it isn't my big brother i'm scared of, if that's the impression I gave you, it's his second in command, Yin Hiau he's a damn pervert" at this my eyebrow quirked up in an amused and questioning manner 'this boy, he went from being on the verge of tearing up to yelling about a pervert in the blink of an eye' I smirked down at him "and why exactly is he a pervert?" he went red like a tomato "th-that is, he..." his voice got really quiet "even after three rounds he can keep going and going, he doesn't have any restraint and he touches me freely in front of everyone, even my brother!" I burst out laughing as he said this "you're so cute, he's your lover isn't he? you're so worried about something so small? You know he's probably holding back right?" Li Bing stared up at me with wide, unblinking eyes as I said this. "But your active sex life doesn't explain your reaction earlier" I was really curious about his reluctance to return to his brother "I'll get punished for running off, Hiau will. Will. He'll..." the face that was just starting to cool off was starting to heat up again. My eyes widened as I came to a realisation "rather than being your lover he's more like your master, isn't he?" he looked shocked then nodded turning from pink to full on red, I started to laugh like crazy, almost falling to the floor but somehow managing to stay upright. Li Bing went red again, this time not just in embarrassment but in anger as well. He started hitting me to stop me from laughing, then yelled at me when he realised that hitting wasn't working "stop laughing, my situation isn't funny" as I was calming down he began pouting, and that stirred up my laughter for no apparent reason. After about ten minutes I stopped laughing completely 'I should explain what I was laughing at' I put my hand on Li Bing's shoulder and said "sorry, I was laughing at your reaction, it's so cute and innocent" I couldn't help but ruffle his hair and grin fondly at the younger boy "well, this is where we part. My friend is probably waiting, he'll scold me if I take too long". His face dropped when he heard this but he still nodded "okay, if you die i'll bring flowers to your grave" I had to roll my eyes at this "geeze you have a lot of faith in me don't you?" "well, if I think about it even if he did catch you he wouldn't kill you until he's had his fun, you're just his type ya know?" "I feel so relieved, I won't die a virgin" I said in the most sarcastic tone I could muster along with an extremely dramatic eyeroll. He looked at me so inoccently when he asked something that made me laugh, choke and almost die.

"Are you really a virgin?"

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