Wanderer's Village

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The sun was getting close to the horizon as Feng and I got the outskirts of a little village by the name of Wanderer's village. the streets were almost as lively as ever with people everywhere and market stalls lining the roads selling all manner of things, the best thing about this village is that you can hide your identity if you wanted to, you couldn't see a single wanted poster here and you'd often walk past a wanted man in the street. This was an almost lawless area with only three rules, the first is no fighting, unless it's in defense, the second is don't purposely harm someone, the third and final rule is that you can't report anything in this town to any sort of military force. The three rules are simple but they keep everyone in check, after all who would want this safe haven to be ruined? Certainly not me. This village was a place i could come to without the threat of discovery, the only thing Feng and i needed to be wary of is the powerful people that rule over this place, those people are a large group of bandits. The bandits ruling this area had just swapped over, so every person was on their guard, in fear of any sudden change to the way things are run. I'd stopped walking on my hands when the village came into sight, i wasn't planning to walk through the town on my hands. As I entered a brothel, the owner called out to me "oi, nightshade you have'n the usual one?" the reason he said this is, one, this was not my first time coming here, and, two, nightshade was the nickname that everyone who lived here or came here regularly called me, apparently i was extremely beautiful but deadly, the reason probably being that if a man made unwanted advances on me it would be met with a blade and end with a missing body part, usually the offending body part. The owners shout turned a few heads my way, many people on the street recognising my nickname some sent me envying glances and others looked at me lustfully but ignored them and instead continued to go deeper into the brothel, having left Feng behind at the shopping stalls with a small pouch of coins i was free to enjoy myself. I was smirking as i walked up to the owner, "na, i'm feeling a bit stressed so i want both tonight" i handed him nine coins and he looked surprised before shouting over his shoulder "Xiao! Tau! You're favorite customer is here for the night!" two tall men with slender frames and long, dark hair walked out to greet me.

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