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I was choking and spluttering on the ground, probably putting dirt all over the back of my clothes, Feng would have a fit if he saw what I was doing. That reminded me of the whole purpose of coming here, retrieving Feng. I lyed still in the ground with my eyes closed, coughing every once in awhile. Trying to catch my breath and gather up the will to get up off the ground, almost wanting to fall asleep right in the middle of the street however that wouldn't be wise. I'd probably get robbed while asleep. I sighed and slowly opened my eyes, only now realising me and Li Bing were surrounded by a bunch of burly men each with at least one type of weapon, the majority had daggers at their waist, some had bows and quivers of arrows and there were three men carrying swords, two that stood a step behind the person I was presuming to be the leader, their clothes were more expensive looking and their hair was much more neat than the beastly looking men that made up the majority of the group. The leader of the group, whom i'm thinking is Li Bing's older brother Li Jing, looked over at Li Bing who was crouching on his heels beside me and said "Li Bing where did you get to this time? and who is this?" he cast eyes full of suspicion over to me before his eyes traveled across my body, doing a once over, then smirking. I couldn't help it when my eyes started to wander up and down his form. when I looked up and met his eyes, anything but good intention filled them. At this time Li Bing chose to speak up "h-he is...u-umm" his words came out as a nervous stutter as he looked at me with wide eyes that were pleading me to help him. "My name is Jian, i'm assuming you're Li Jing?" his eyes shifted to me then he smirked "indeed". I then noticed one of the men standing behind Li Jing was looking between me and Li Bing and glaring at me jealously, I raised my eyebrow at him "you're Yin Hiau?" he narrowed his eyes at me and reluctantly nodded "I am Jian and can you please stop glaring at me like you want to rip my throat out? You don't have to worry about me touching him, I don't have the same tastes in men as you" I flippantly replied with a playful smile. Yin Hiau obviously didn't like my reply because he growled and stepped forward, but before he could go another step Li Jing put his arm out in front of Yin Hiau stopping him then whispering something into his ear, Yin Hiau smirked and nodded. When Yin Hiau showed his understanding Li Jing pulled back his arm and Yin Hiau looked down at me menacingly as he strode forward. Yes, down, I was still lying on my back, on the ground, with my arms and legs spread out, the only movement I had previously made was to open my eyes when this group first arrived. I sat up and stretched when Yin Hiau started to unsheathe his sword, Li Bing started to move backwards when he saw this, he kept stepping back until he was standing beside his brother. I had gotten up in a crouching position when Yin Hiau swung his sword.

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