Chapter 5 Lighting The Sky

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It was almost 8:30 that fallowing Morning the Weasleys decided to let all the kids sleep a little longer than they initially planned. Harry woke with a start as her heard Mrs. Weasley yell from the kitchen to tell them to get up and to get ready. He then gently woke Ginny up and told her it was time to get ready. She frowned and looked to the floor. With this Harry said, "Ginny, I am going to go upstairs and get ready and I will meet you outside your door when you are done. We will go down to breakfast together and I won't leave your side all day except for when I have to speak. I promise you alright. We will survive this together." With this Ginny smiled a little. Harry stood kissed her on the forehead and left to get ready.

A few moments later Harry was dressed and ready to go. He walked down the stairs and sat by Ginny's door knowing it could take a little while for her to get ready. "Harry" Harry jumped hearing Mr. Weasley came up behind him and say his name. "Harry can I talk to you for a moment." Harry nodding and stood up. They walked about ten feet down the hall. "Harry, I want to ask you how Ginny is doing. She won't talk to me or her mother and I have asked the others and they haven't heard from her either. I know how the others are doing because they have all approached me and Molly and we have all talked even Hermione came with Ron and we all sat down and talked. I don't want to ask her because I know she won't say anything and I want to give her time. I know you two are together now and seem to be very close. With that I am very happy she has you but I was wondering if you two have talked. Also, how are you doing with everything? I am here whenever you want to talk. I guess I am just trying to figure out how you two are handling things." Mr. Weasley took in a breathe he felt like he was failing at this. "Thank you for asking. I know that I can come to you for anything and I appreciate that. I think you have realized that Ginny deals differently than the rest and so do I. But the two of us have been talking about it. I am doing okay concidering that I have been through I am trying process it all internally but Ginny has helped me a few time. As for Ginny she is struggling but she doesn't want to grieve with others. We talked about it last night before I went to bed. I told her that I am here for her whenever she needs to cry or talk and she promised me that she would come to me if she needs me." Harry knew he shouldn't tell Mr. Weasley about staying in Ginny's so he lied but he was happy to hear the Mr. Weasley cared so much for him and his daughter. "Thank you for being there for her. If you two need something or need help I am here" Mr. Weasley said as he pat Harry on the back and walked downstairs.

Harry stood there in the hall for a moment or two trying to come back to himself when he heard Ginny say, "Harry?" With that Harry turned, smiled, kissed Ginny on the lips for a moment and the two of them held hands as they walked down to th kitchen. That morning they ate quickly becasue they were running a bit late. They were all wearing drees clothes and they all looked really nice. All the Weasleys were there except Bill and Fleur who were going to meet them there. They were staying at their own place now. It had been decided at breakfast that Ron, Hermione, and Charlie were to leave the next day to look for Hermione's parents. She was really happy about this but she was nervous as usuall. They decided to apparate in pairs again so Ginny took Harry's hand and they turned.

They all landed within seconds of each other. They landed next to the Black Lake and they all started to head over to the many chairs and podium that they had set up the day before. There were a few professors there running around doing a few last minutes things. There was row after row of white chairs. At the front there was a small stage and a podium. Behind the stage there were flower arrangements of many different and vibrant colors. To the side there was a hong table with food on it for after the speakers. They found Prfessor McGonagall and asked of there was anything they could do to help. There wasn't anything that they could help with so Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron all walked to the side of the Black Lake. The rest of the Weasleys found seats and saved some for them and Bill and Fleur.

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